A History of Winton

Winton, NC was incorporated in 1768

During the Civil War, the town of Winton was destroyed by Union forces who entered the town and burned nearly every building. After the war, residents slowly returned to the town to rebuild. The earliest buildings in the Winton Historic District, therefore, reflect the Italianate, Queen Anne, and Gothic Revival styles of the mid-to-late nineteenth century. As the town came into a prosperous era in the early twentieth century, the Colonial Revival and Craftsman styles dominated. Although the population of Winton did not grow significantly in the mid-twentieth century, new buildings were constructed on vacant lots and to replace older buildings. These buildings were constructed in popular mid-century styles, including Minimal Traditional, Modernist, and Ranch. Click on each house below to find out more!

Winton, NC Historic Timeline

Click on each picture below to visit the page on each era in our history!

Early History: 1758 - 1860

Civil War: 1861-1865

Rebuilding Winton: 1865-1880

Rebuilding Winton: 1880 - 1930

1930 - 1970

Winton Today: 1970 - Present Day