
Fresh from a stay in the province, which then followed my last day of work at my previous company, we as a family have all entered this new residence to live for the very first time.

It was not really our first time we’ve been there, though. Over the last month we went back and forth to this new residence to prepare for relocation. With some items going to the province, we had to downsize a bit with the items that will be used for the new residence since it’s not as big as the one we had previously. It’s just a small compound, situated in an area of higher elevation within the same city. This protects us from the floods that used to cause destruction in our former home every typhoon season, like the one that happened back in November 2020. With this new home, I can safely say that we are finally free from worrying about ourselves.

I actually admire living in our new area. We used to live on a flat suburb that can either get very hot or very cold, with lack of trees and prone to flood. It also felt like living in the middle of nowhere. Our new residence in a way allowed us to feel closer to nature, because it had more trees and we also live closer to mountains.

But of course, with that new change in residence comes a new change in the industry as well. After having successfully resigned from my previous company following a tenure of almost a year, I was also able to successfully leave the BPO industry to transition into a startup design company established by a Swiss entrepreneur.

On my first day, everything was going well. I was able to make new friends who were like minded. Most importantly, I seem to have a good relationship with my new supervisor. Or so I thought.

They say the nicest of people can have a bit of a dark side.

You'll never really know who they are unless you meet them.

I was called into office on my final day of the week, not knowing what to expect. I was told that I lost motivation. Yes, he did - but it didn't feel like it since I have always been doing ok with my job since the first day. Which is why I had a slight feeling of resentment towards that person since.

And these four days did not bloom into another journey to prosperity.

Now, there's one more person added to my list of adversaries.

All because of one thing that happened on the better side.

It's June. By this time BTS had already lost two members, though STAY was still complete. But in both instances, Cara was still with us.

Our goal for him had always been to reach June 27, the initial STAY disbandment date. He did confirm some activities for June 2023, such as, among many others, his fan meet for his new brand ambassadorship - this time for an Indonesian financial brand, Siminvest, which I already found out back in February. The thought of it alone, the idea of confirming his stay through June 2023 - an era we all thought he would not make it - already brought me immense joy. Yet, when we go through it firsthand, the experience is even more astounding.

He indeed attended these schedules as promised, and he even changed his hair to blonde for this occasion! It was indeed a clear sign that he was on board to making it.

However, there had been a lack of new music releases from the members during this time, so there was need for an extension of their contracts. Because of this, instead of disbanding the group, they would go on to release a new album instead. And that was I was working on while being with that startup for a short period of time. This might explain why I appeared unmotivated, despite not truly feeling that way.

Could it be me? Is it possible that my actions do not have to really manifest how I feel? Or maybe we can really attribute this to the timing of this employment, when the next STAY comeback was in the works.

Sometimes I was contemplating why I even chose to apply at the wrong time.

The STAY comeback that had been underway would turn out to be an ingeniously-named special mini album, STAYTEEN - standing for ‘18 months with STAY’. Released on June 27, the new album rightfully had to come out, after all, as the five remaining BTS members have all made it to that date.

Including Cara.

Their company did not say hello this time.



january  ·  february  ·  march  ·  april  ·  may  ·  june  ·  july  ·  august  ·  september  ·  october  ·  november  ·  december  ·  epilogue


i love me  ▪︎  me & you  ▪︎  enjoy yourself  ▪︎  summer notes  ▪︎  to be  ▪︎  full circle  ▪︎  prequel  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 1  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 2