
The last five months had been spent living as if he did not exist. Until a miracle happened.

It all started when we received the news of Cara’s new magazine feature, all while navigating both my career and relationship within the past month - so it’s not surprising if I say I did not care. But just as I was going through the breakup that never happened.. more photos of that feature were released. I won’t go into the details, but I can tell you how I felt about it.

It was at this moment, when I knew that he finally came back.

For five months I thought it will no longer be a thing, even though he was technically still a leader. All I had to do was to prepare for his exit. His exit plan implementation was already in the works at this time! That was how prepared I was, even though I still did not want him to leave yet.


He finally makes his solo debut, which will be covered in another event for me to do. Had he already released new music since the solo era started? Because up to that point it did not feel like he was still with us.

I thought we have already reached the end, before it even happened.

But I was wrong.

He had to go back to his true glory, before he leaves. And he did just right that, when he went on to appear on the cover of ELLE Korea for the month of April. With Caratime now reaching new heights through this new endeavor, he had not slowed down as a leader since.

Yet, with this newfound rise, what could be perceived as the more serious would only begin to go downhill.

I was already happy with what was happening to leadership, but the same cannot be said about my personal and professional life.

Outside of leadership, my life had started to deteriorate ever since the breakup - if you would even call it such. Since then, little by little, abysmal experiences were already piling up.

To start, the nature of my job - a new voice role that was purely customer service - may not be that desirable, considering how callers tend to be entitled to the point of us having to bend the rules, but it was something I can actually get by, thanks to my friends who were always by my side. Even with a new role and team, I used to remain connected with my previous team since they were arguably the best that I had been with. I also formed connections with individuals there, and some of them could potentially turn into lifelong friendships. Additionally, I had the opportunity to take part in their team-building activity, despite no longer being a part of their team.

But since early March, that team went on split into new different teams - something that I was quite devastated about, since I could not even make real friends with my new team.. even though I was the one who chose to deviate from the previous team in the first place, due to a new dynamic I earlier mentioned which I wanted to overcome by engaging with an entirely different experience.

However, instead of improving the situation, the reverse happened.

To make matters worse, I experienced bullying for the very first time in my own company. What started as a confrontation with a guard one time evolved into a conflict with one of the quality evaluators, who seem to despise me from the very start. That, along with many other things such as the financial issues I was experiencing wherein one former teammate could not pay debt since November of Year 4, and the growing pain of this new dynamic in my own company, made me lose motivation in continuing with the company. I was considering resigning since late last year, but it was the only time that was almost firm with going with it.

I was overwhelmed by the events and felt truly devastated. I used to have a very great sense of motivation for the job I was in - a job I chose to take, and a new role I chose to pursue - but it seemed that I had lost that drive.

Every day, I constantly contemplate not going to work and stay at home with my family instead. It was not like this before.

I was looking for another miracle.

This time, a miracle that will save me from what I was going through lately.

Because why was life so unfair? Why do miracles had to happen to that side of my life that did not really need to?

Besides the need to earn, at this point there was nothing else that can motivate me anymore to continue on.

I needed help.

But could not get any.

So I went to look for other options. I already made my decision.

For the moment I just want to thank Cara for being by my side through all the hard times.

Although he had been experiencing renewed success as a leader, by the end of the month, a new story was already beginning to unfold.


january  ·  february  ·  march  ·  april  ·  may  ·  june  ·  july  ·  august  ·  september  ·  october  ·  november  ·  december  ·  epilogue


i love me  ▪︎  me & you  ▪︎  enjoy yourself  ▪︎  summer notes  ▪︎  to be  ▪︎  full circle  ▪︎  prequel  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 1  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 2