Tudor Muster Rolls

Dorset Tudor Muster Rolls for the Hundred of

1542 Muster

Notes :

The Muster Rolls were compiled to give a record of the local militia for the Lord Lieutenant of each county. Each was required "to choose meetest persons for captains and petty captains…. to the charge of certain numbers according to their qualities; those of most worship, credit and value to have the charge of more or less according to their degrees".

The Rolls gave an idea of the martial skills and weaponry available. A letter "A" against a man's name noted that he was an "able man" or "able archer". A militia man could expect to be paid 8d a day when in training or service plus one penny for every mile he travelled between his home and place of training. The pay was not bad as a skilled craftsman was earning 4d - 6d a day at this time. It is interesting to note that no guns or muskets are listed

Sallet - helmet or head piece; jack - leather jerkin;

Source : Dorset History Centre (DCL Ref D.093.2) Pub : T L Stoate (Bristol 1978) = Steepleton