Parish Council

Winterbourne Abbas & Steepleton Parish Council Minute Book

(précis notes from 1894 - 1980)

Extracted and made by Richard Crumbleholme July 2003. The Minute Book is now lodged in the Dorset History Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester.

NB : These notes are for general local history interest only. (They end at 1980)

25th November 1970 Meeting held at the Manor W Steepleton. Rev Gibb chairman.

Sewage – plans were proceeding but it would be 6 months before a meeting would be called to explain the proposals.

Bulk rubbish – no site found but a temporary one at Bournemead garages was suggested.

Poor Lot – the DCC wanted this registered. The Ramblers Association wanted it registered as Common land. It was agreed to strongly object to this and it was agreed to write to the Forestry Commission.

There was no support for the Chairman’s suggestion that Abbas, Steepleton and Martinstown become one parish.

A vote of thanks was given to Mr & Mrs Morton for allowing the meeting to be held in the Manor.

29th November 1971 Meeting held in the Rectory Barn. Rev W H Gibb chairman.

Sewage – the clerk reported that the scheme was in the hands of the Ministry for loan sanction.

Poor Lot – after the objection lodged with DCC, the Ramblers Association had dropped their application to register it as common land.

Charity Scheme – A draft scheme had been received from the Charity commissioners and two trustees were required. Mr Roger Sturrock and George Allen were duly elected.

Joint council – it was agreed to form a joint parish council with W Abbas.

A definitive map showing bridleways and footpaths was discussed and a further meeting was agreed.

1st May 1973 Meeting held at Rectory Barn. Rev Gibb chairman.

Sewage – It was understood that the scheme was approved and would start in the summer.

Poor Lot – the trustees had made enquiries and would advertise for rent or sale.

The joint council with W Abbas would consist of three members from each parish. Mr Allen (sen), Mr Roger Sturrock and Mr T Reeves were nominated for election

The chairman wished to resign and Mr Reeves was elected in his place. Discussion was held regarding a parish meeting board and Mr G allen offered to try and produce one. Permission was to be sought to site it near the gravel dump.

June 1973 : The parishes of Winterbourne Abbas and Winterbourne Steepleton were originally governed by parish meetings and it was considered that the affairs of the villages might be better served by a Parish Council which could then raise its own finances.

After due process, a Parish Council was formally constituted with

councillors from each village.

The first meeting of the newly formed grouped parish council was held

held in the Village School, Winterbourne Abbas on the 20th June 1973.

29th April 1975 Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr Reeves re-elected as chairman.

It was considered that an area from the phone box to Whitway Farm be deemed as a conservation area and possibly Coombe Road in the future. The parish council would object to any development that did not blend in.

The Rights of Way map was discussed and some (2 & 10) appeared muddled.

6th April 1976 Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr Reeves re-elected as chairman.

The Ramblers Association reported in a letter that path 9 was restricted. Liaison officer would approach landlord and report to DCC if not successful.

The condition of the river was discussed – apparently an overflow from the pond had been the way that effluent had got into the river. A letter was to be sent to Wessex Water. It was mentioned that the matter of the hatches was in solicitors hands and was not a matter for the parish council.

Water cress beds – the destruction of the trees was mentioned. It was reported that the area used to be a withy bed and that the area used to be the ponds for the mill and about 4 feet deep. It was understood that a planning application for the triangle had gone to appeal. It was considered that the area was at present an eyesore. It was also reported that that morning a notice had been put up to increase the number of houses from 4 to 6.

It was reported that opposite Pond Cottages the road was narrowed and should be reinstated. It was hoped that the Youth Club would help in clearing the village pond of rubbish.

9th May 1977 Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr R Sturrock was elected as chairman.

Footpath 9 from Roman Road to Little Bredy was cleared but obstructed at the garage.

It was reported that the village hall which was owned by the Bridehead Estate would soon be no more. It was agreed that a replacement was not economically viable and that the school should be used instead.

The state of the dead trees in the copse next to Mr Whitty’s bridge was brought up. The clerk was to approach Mr Barber and report the council’s concerns.

Consideration was given to resiting the letterbox – this would be considered at next meeting.

24th April 1978 Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr R Sturrock was re-elected as chairman.

Footpath 9 was now clear. Dead trees – most had been removed but a remaining one might be a hazard.

The parish council had approved the resiting of the postbox to Hamlands but Post Office had not yet agreed.

Mr R Allen noted that the land above Mr Brooms wood was now owned by Mr Eversden and that was now a style in place but there was barbed wire at Mr House’s end.

There might be canvassing by the Gas Board in Martinstown as gas was now on at Whitefriars in W Abbas. It was noted that the W Abbas bypass was scheduled for the early 1980’s

30th April 1979 Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr R G Allen was elected as chairman.

There was now an additional style (matters arising). Wasteland council will put in trees. S Slade to put on agenda of next meeting. It was noted that there were holes in the roads outside Cowsand, letterbox and slip road.

End of précis extract

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