LMP 2 SY 2021-2022

Guest Check-in

Stat of with "Hafa Adai, how may I help you?" Ask for their name, show them their registration paper and verify all information and let them sign. If it's all correct, ask for their form of payment and their ID, scan their card and make sure they have enough money for their stay. Ask if they need help with their bags if they have any and say "enjoy your stay and have a nice day!"

Don't say the room rate and room number out loud

make sure to read them the following: check-in and check-out times, number of guests, number of nights they will be staying, room rate and room number

Housekeeping Department

1. What two areas do the housekeeping standard cover? (8.2 #5)

  • productivity and performance, make sure that the rooms are cleaned well but don't spend too long doing it. The average number of rooms a housekeeper cleans is 16.

2. List the correct sequence of steps for guestroom cleaning. (8.3 #3)

  • check if the room is empty first then start with bed, then other furniture, work towards the bathroom and restock amenities, have a system, work left to right, top to bottom.

3. Summarize what are the 3 most important things you learned from this Housekeeping chapter.

  • Be efficient, meet standards and work together

Revised summary

Summary: I myself am a fun person to be around, i'm friendly and funny. I'm also punctual and when I need to be professional I am. Things I enjoy doing in my own time are, dancing, helping others, bettering myself and organizing. I think that around people I'm very positive, in my dads words " I know how to light up a room." I'm a team player and I can also work individually, efficiently.

Original summary

Summary: I enjoy meeting new people, I am friendly and punctual. I am passionate about dancing, I am musically inclined. I volunteered to feed the homeless.