Teacher Name

Building / Grade / Course

Welcome to Our Classroom

This is a welcome text box designed to serve as a "how ya doing" type of message to your parents. The goal for your teacher page is not to serve as an introduction to a class, but to become a brochure that starts a conversation with parents. If created with mobile in mind, your teacher pages should tell the story of your class so the parent knows everything about your class and how they can contact you if a need comes up.

To the right of this welcome box is your contact info. This is designed to be seen below this text box when viewed on a mobile device.

The vision of the teacher website is to serve as a table of contents from which all of your other Google Sites will branch off of.

Teacher Name



Phone Number

What will we be learning this year?

Subject 1

  • Broad Topic 1
  • Broad Topic 2
  • Broad Topic 3

Subject 2

  • Broad Topic 1
  • Broad Topic 2
  • Broad Topic 3

Subject 3

  • Broad Topic 1
  • Broad Topic 2
  • Broad Topic 3

Subject 4

  • Broad Topic 1
  • Broad Topic 2
  • Broad Topic 3

Grading Policy

What Can Google Sites Do | Sample Grading Policy

Homework Calendar

Links and Resources for Student Success

  • Google Classroom
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3

The links and resource section will serve as a table of contents that branches out to websites for each of your chapters of courses.

Teacher Name



Phone Number

Thoughts on Teacher Pages

A "Teacher Page" should serve as a hub for all interactions with parents and the school community. When designed for an audience not familiar with a teachers day to day activities (parents), a teacher page should be a 1-page "brochure" style website. The reason for this, is that a parent coming to a teachers website does not want to take the time and search through many pages trying to find the information that they need to learn how to best help their students.

Because of this, a "teacher page" should have the following information easily findable on the front page.

  • Teacher name and contact information (with links)
  • A friendly welcome message
  • A general idea of what topics the student will be learning during the school year
  • A link or direct access to homework or assessable activities.

If your website is setup as the example above suggests, your parents will have quick and organized access to the information they want as quickly as possible . . . both on their computers and on their mobile devices.

It's important to notice that we add our contact information twice on this page. By nature, we search for contact info at the bottom of a page, but it's equally important to have this info at the top after the welcome paragraph.