Google Drive

You can use the "From Drive" feature to quickly search through your files (Google and Non-Google) to quickly add information onto your website.

You can add a file or a folder into your website. This can be a great way to gain a quick access to your files while you are teaching, yet, by adjusting sharing permissions, your users can NOT access certain files.

You can quickly search through the files in My Drive, Shared With Me, your Recent documents, or Starred documents.

This is a Google Folder in LIST VIEW. Any or all of these files can have their security settings adjusted in Google Drive and you can decide what files your users can see and what you want to have held private.

Private files will not be seen by others.

This is a Google Folder in LIST VIEW. Any or all of these files can have their security settings adjusted in Google Drive and you can decide what files your users can see and what you want to have held private.