
All About Images

Images can be inserted into your website several ways.

  1. From your desktop, drag an image file onto the Google Sites website and it will drop into the canvas.
  2. On the right side menu, click on INSERT - IMAGES and select from any number of options available.
  3. Images can be inserted into your website in bulk by selecting multiple images at once time.

Use the "Paste an Image URL" box to insert the web address from an image found on the web.

Use the SEARCH option to browse copyright free images on Google or LIFE websites.

The images in "Your Albums" are a representation of what is in your Google Photos Library.

The images in "My Drive" are a representation of what is in your Google Drive folders.

The images in "Shared With Me" are a representation of files that you have not yet added to your Google Drive and that are owned by others.

The "Recent" tab shows the last group of images that you have selected or added in your Google Drive.

  • Crop - Resizes the image
  • Uncrop - Takes away the cropping format
  • Link - Add a Link to your image
  • Trash - Deletes the image
  • "Three Dots" - Opens a new menu
  • Replace Image - Change the image but keep the current properties
  • Add alt text - Add text that is able to be read by Screen Readers

Working with Text and Images

This is a Subtitle text box below an image and centered.

This is a Subtitle text box above an image and centered.