
Add, Remove, and Modify the Pages in your Google Sites to help your users navigate through your website quickly.

Create a new page by clicking on the circle on the bottom of the pages menu with the file (plus) icon.

Name your new page (this will become the banner text when the page is created)

You can click on the folder icon to open and close your nested pages. This is a great way to keep yourself organized if you have several pages in your website project.

By clicking on the vertical 3 dots (the "snowman" you will reveal a new menu of options.

Set as Homepage - This page is now the default page that your URL points to.

Rename Page: You can change the URL name of this page (this will break any links)

Create Sub Page - Creates a page that is "nested" under the current page.

Remove Page from Site - Deletes the page completely (you can't undo this)

Hide from Navigation - The page remains on the website, but is no longer in the top menu.