Yardley Lane Walkabout
Post date: Jul 14, 2012 5:12:58 PM
Despite the rain a few members braved the weather and enjoyed a fascinating walk around Yardley Lane.
Gilwell Hill proved a depressing experience. This is a new estate built on the site of the old dog kennels used to house the greyhounds used at the Walthamstow Dog Track. It was a very contentious proposal which eventually Epping Council approved despite a lot of opposition.
The estate is very badly designed with odd areas surrounded by high brick walls presumably for car parking although none of them were being used. The "streets" were dull, mainly because there was very little space in front of the houses to make a feature of it. There was a large fenced area which we assumed would be grassed over, but for some reason was completely surrounded by a low fence. Virtually none of the residents were taking an interest in their area so goodness knows what it will look like in a year or so.