Leyton Town Hall



50th ANNIVERSARY YEAR 1972 to 2022

We welcome new members - sign up today

Contact us :

wfcivicsociety @gmail

Waltham Forest Civic Society

to preserve the best and improve the rest

Civic Societies represent us all.

They are groups of local people, who are passionate about the places in which we live, work and relax.

Civic Society members work to improve their local environment, through campaigning, raising awareness, fund raising and taking hands-on action.

They undertake a wide range of activities to preserve the best of the built environment and green spaces in their area, propose local improvements and encourage more people to take pride in their community and become actively involved.

We have been campaigning in Waltham Forest for nearly 50 years.

Supports over 300 Civic Societies who are representing communities all over the UK.


Aims and Objectives

The Society’s aim is to ‘preserve the best and improve the rest’ in Waltham Forest by:

— keeping watch over streets, buildings and open spaces

— monitoring & responding to planning applications

— working with community & environmental groups, voluntary associations, council representatives and schools.

We are a campaigning organisation and our scope includes the built environment, green spaces and other factors which affect the quality of life of people living and working in Waltham Forest.

We concentrate on activities and campaigns that we can achieve and do well to make a visible impact, and we also engage with other local groups to support their campaigns where these are in line with the aims of the Civic Society.

We aim to become a central point for exchange of ideas and information on local community issues, the built environment, green environment and local campaigns.

How the Society Operates

The Society is run by a committee of members with responsibility for key areas i.e. Chair & Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Events, Planning Watch, Newsletter, Website Editor

Our Planning Watch sub-group watches over Council planning applications, flags up concerns and publicises issues to encourage members to become actively involved.

We aim to make best use of our links to other organisations and groups e.g. Community Forums, Action Groups, Residents Associations etc to share expertise and ideas.

We aim to build up a ‘panel of advisers’ (architects, lawyers etc) who can give expert advice on Civic Society topics and campaigns.

We aim to build close links with the Council and develop a constructive dialogue.

We will affiliate to the national bodies that support our aims and make best use of the resources that these organisations can provide.