Dear All,
Welcome to the Civic Society's latest email bulletin to highlight upcoming events and news:
Whipps Cross Hospital National Listing Decision
The Civic Society submitted a response to Historic England in January to support the case for parts of the 1903 Whipps Cross hospital buildings to receive national listing - particularly the central block including the entrance hall (now shop) chapel, water towers, staff houses to either side and the block containing the board room. However, we heard in February that Historic England intends to grant a Certificate of Immunity from Listing which would leave the buildings with no protection. We haven't given up yet and have written to make the case for this decision to be reconsidered.
Homebase Planning Decision
At the Planning Committee meeting on 2nd March the Homebase site plans were agreed despite strong opposition from local people - and representations from Adrian who spoke on behalf of the Civic Society. The development will be over-dense, with a characterless design and include an 18-storey tower totally out of keeping with low rise terrace housing in the area. The Council has many other large scale developments in mind and this does not bode well for the quality of design we can expect as the Council attempts to meet its housing targets.
Pastures Youth Centre, Leytonstone
On a positive note we have heard from Councillors that proposals to demolish the Pastures Youth Centre and redevelop the site with its surrounding garden for housing have been withdrawn, subject to confirmation. The Council says it will now focus on 'how investment for the existing and future amenity and other opportunities of the site can be better realised'. A very active local community campaign 'Save Our Pastures' has been opposing the redevelopment proposals and is making the case for the site to become a community hub for sports, cultural, business and recreational use.
Iris Gillett
Sadly we heard that long-time Civic Society member Iris Gillett had died in the New Year from coronavirus. Iris was a keen member and attended most of our social events, and we will miss her conversation and company.
I am also including link to Adrian Stannard's blog Waltham Forest - Our Community which includes latest news about planning and developments in the borough:
Take care and best wishes,
Jane Sterland
Chair, Waltham Forest Civic Society
Dear All,
Welcome to the Civic Society's latest email bulletin to highlight upcoming events and news:
Civic Society Virtual Pre-Christmas Social Evening at 7.30pm on Monday 7th December
After a difficult year many of us will be happy to see the back of 2020 and as coronavirus restrictions continue we will be celebrating the end of the year with a virtual pre-Christmas social evening next Monday. There will be a short update on current news around the borough followed by a picture and local knowledge quiz and an opportunity for a social chat. We hope you will be able to join us! The link and joining instructions are below:
Topic: Civic Society Pre-Christmas Social
Time: Dec 7, 2020 07:30 PM London
To join Zoom Meeting use the following link or copy to your browser
Meeting ID: 865 5566 1559
Passcode: 632302
Orient Way Footbridge Petition
A petition has been launched on to persuade Network Rail, Greater Anglia and Waltham Forest Council to redesign and replace the dilapidated pedestrian bridge over the railway at Orient Way which gives access to Leyton Marshes. The petition highlights the hazardous condition of the footbridge, its poor physical accessibility and lack of security. You can use the following link to sign the petition and help it reach its next target of 1000 signatures:
Adrian's Simple Guides to the Planning System
Adrian has taken on the not insignificant task of creating a couple of presentations to make understanding the planning system a bit easier, covering the current LBWF Local Plan consultation (which is open until 14 December) and the National Planning Process. They can be accessed on the Civic Society website under News/More Info and also Adrian's blog:
Civic Society Membership Renewals
We hope you have enjoyed being a member of the society during the year and have been able to take part in some of our virtual events, or in-person events earlier in the year. Current Civic Society members should all have received a letter and membership renewal form with information on how to rejoin the society and pay their subscriptions by sending a cheque or online by bank transfer. Please contact me if you haven't received a letter/form and would like to rejoin.
I am also including a link to Adrian Stannard's blog Waltham Forest - Our Community which includes latest news about planning and developments in the borough:
Take care and best wishes over the Christmas season,
Jane Sterland
Chair, Waltham Forest Civic Society
Dear all,
Walthamstow Town Centre Consultation ends on 15th November
If you have not already done so please send in comments/objections to Capital and Regional's plans to redevelop The Mall in Walthamstow Town Centre, including two exceptionally high tower blocks of 34 and 26 storeys and the loss of well over a third of the open space in the Town Square. See Planning Application 202491 on the Waltham Forest Council planning portal. Comments should be sent to
Civic Society Virtual Pre-Christmas Social Evening at 7.30pm on Monday 7th December
Face to face gatherings may still not be allowed in the lead up to Christmas so we will be organising a virtual pre-Christmas social event instead. There will be a short update on current news, a picture and local knowledge quiz and an opportunity for a social chat - we hope you will be able to join us! The link and joining instructions will be sent out nearer the time. Please note change of date for this event to avoid clash with Planning Committee.
Waltham Forest Local Plan Consultation ends on 14th December
Both parts of Waltham Forest Council's local plan - specifying 65 development sites across the borough and the policies that will underlie/permit future development - are now out for consultation until 14th December. The Local Plan will guide future developments in our borough for the next 15 years and transform many areas with intensive/high rise developments. The Civic Society will be sending overall comments but please send your comments on the developments proposed for your local area:
Site Allocations Document:
I am also including a link to Adrian Stannard's blog Waltham Forest - Our Community which includes latest news about planning and developments in the borough:
Best wishes,
Jane Sterland
Chair, Waltham Forest Civic Society
Civic Society Events and News 16 August 2020
Dear All,
Welcome to the Civic Society's latest email bulletin to highlight upcoming events and news:
Our Changing Street Scene Part 4 – Virtual Presentation at 7.30pm on Tuesday 25th August
Adrian Stannard will be continuing his series of online presentations on the rapid pace of change in our borough over the last 10 years with the next one focusing on the huge amount of change around Lea Bridge. The meeting will be held on Zoom and Adrian will be sending out the link and joining instructions beforehand so look out for a further email.
Civic Society Alternative Vision for Whipps Cross Hospital Site
Thanks to Robert Gay for drafting the proposal and to all members who gave/sent their comments on the draft Civic Society ‘alternative vision’ for the Whipps Cross hospital site. A final version has now been produced and we hope we have managed to reflect/include most of the comments received. The proposal will now be publicised and shared with other groups and we hope it will stimulate discussion on how the site can be developed in a way which would preserve the historic buildings, provide high quality affordable housing, create green areas and allow space for the new hospital to expand in future. A copy of the final version of the proposal is attached.
Civic Society All Members Virtual Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th October
Looking ahead, our next virtual all members’ meeting will be taking place via Zoom at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th October. We will send out the link and joining instructions beforehand.
I am also including a link to Adrian Stannard's blog Waltham Forest - Our Community which includes latest news about planning and developments in the borough:
Best wishes,
Jane Sterland
Chair, Waltham Forest Civic Society