Additional Awards
All units must be in good standing to be eligible for awards.
A unit in good standing:
- Filed their Annual Officer Information Update (Form A) with NYS PTA.
- Bylaws are current.
- Membership payments are on time.
- Adheres to the Purposes and Basic Policies of the PTA.
Community Service Award
Due Date: September 30th
Purpose: The Community Service Award is given to a person or organization that is doing outstanding work in the Western New York community that benefits children and families and aligns with the mission of PTA.
Eligibility: Each applicant must be currently involved in making a difference in our community through their work either directly or indirectly benefiting children and families.
Application: There is no formal application. A letter of recommendation should be prepared and sent to the awards chair. Letter should give information about the person/organization, contact information for the nominee, and detailed information about the impact the nominee has in the community.
Awards: A plaque is presented to the winner at the PTA Partnership dinner.
Submit to your Region Director.
Jane Skrzypek Educator of the Year
Due Date: September 30th
Purpose: The purpose of this award is to recognize the achievements of one outstanding educator each year. This can be an administrator, a teacher or a counselor.
Eligibility: The nominee must be from a PTA affiliated school in Western Region and also a PTA member. Each unit may nominate one individual for this award. Those nominated in past years may be nominated again as long as he or she was not a former recipient.
Award: The winner will be honored at the PTA Partnership dinner in November and will receive a desktop plaque.
Submit to your Region Director.
Gloria M. Aschenbrenner Award
Due Date: January 31st
Purpose: This award is given for outstanding service to Western Region PTA. The “Gloria” Award was initiated in 1997 in honor of Gloria Aschenbrenner. Gloria was a true friend and invaluable asset to the Western Region Board for many years. Gloria had a way of making everyone comfortable with her. She was someone you could confide in and seek advice from easily. She had served in many PTA positions, including unit president, Buffalo PTA Council president, and Western District Director. Her involvement on the District Board continued for more than 15 years after she served as District Director. She was corresponding secretary for the District at the time of her sudden, unexpected death in January of 1996. PTA Founders Day was always special to Gloria, so when it was decided to create an award in Gloria’s honor, it was determined that the award could only be presented at the Western Region PTA Founders Day Celebration.
Eligibility: To be considered for this award, someone must exhibit an outstanding level of service to Western Region. After careful consideration of the ways Gloria most strongly influenced the District boards that she worked with through the years, three specific criteria for the award were established. To be considered for this remarkably special honor, a Western Region PTA board member would have to meet each of these three requirements:
1. In order to insure a special level of commitment to PTA, the recipient of this award must have already been honored with a NYS PTA Distinguished Service Award.
2. Because Gloria was someone who not only fulfilled the expected duties of the PTA position she was holding, but also volunteered to serve on special event committees, helped out at various district PTA events, and often said, “I can do that” when someone needed something done as soon as possible, the recipient of the “Gloria” Award should be someone who is willing to help out when a need arises.
3. Since the quality for which Gloria will probably be best remembered was her willingness to give helpful, uncritical advice and guidance to the newer members of the District board, the recipient of this honor must be someone whom the Region board recognizes as a mentor to others on the board.
Application: There is no application for this award. Nominations should be made in writing to the awards chair before January 31. This award is not meant to be an annual award, but is presented when someone who meets the criteria is recognized for the unique characteristics for which Gloria will long be remembered. To date, seven people have been presented with this very special honor: Sharon Costantini, Jennie Wylegala, Kathie Jarvis, Mary Regan, Patricia Hysert, Sue Andrijczuk, Diane DeJoseph.
Award: A plaque is given to the winner at the Founders Day Celebration.
Submit to your Region Director.
Jami-Beth Knapp Family Engagement Scholarship
Due Date: April 15th
Purpose: The purpose of this award is to encourage and honor individuals who successfully encourage their school and PTA unit to engage families to continue their PTA training.
Eligibility: To be eligible for nomination the nominee needs to be a PTA member and must demonstrate an impact in at least one of the six areas of PTA's National Standards for Family School Partnership.
Application: Submit the application cover sheet signed by the PTA unit president, by April 15th. Self-nominations are encouraged. A recommendation letter from an individual other than the applicant who is aware of the accomplishment(s) of the individual must be submitted with the application. The letter should describe why the applicant / individual is deserving of this award. The letter should give examples, explain the individual's involvement in family engagement, and how their involvement has affect their PTA, school or community. (Each submitting unit, council, or region member may nominate only one individual per year.)
Award: Recipient of this award will receive a scholarship to attend the NYS PTA Summer Leadership Conference and an invitation with a guest to the Western Region PTA Spring Conference to receive the award.
The Ruth F. Huber PTA Leadership Award
Due Date: May 4th
Purpose: The purpose of this award is to develop leadership by recognizing potential leaders at the grassroots unit or council level. This award is meant to encourage members to take the next step in PTA and become presidents or other PTA leaders. It is not meant to honor a dedicated worker for years of service.
Eligibility: To be eligible for nomination the nominee must:
- Be a dues paying member in good standing of a Western Region PTA unit.
- Demonstrate leadership potential and show enthusiastic commitment to PTA.
- Give his/her time, talent, thinking, experience, energy, and heart.
Western Region board members (past and present), unit and council presidents (past and present) are not eligible sicnce they are already in leadership positions.
Each unit may only submit one candidate.
Applications: Please click here to download the application.
Award: The recipient of the award will receive a framed certificate in honor of his/her continued excellence in leadership to promote the welfare of all children and youth. The recipient's unit will receive a monetary award to be used toward leadership training by helping to send the recipient or another member to a Region, State, or National PTA conference.
Leadership Award in Honor of Jane Skrzypek
Due Date: June 15th
Purpose: This NYS PTA award was established in 1991 to honor the memory of Jane Skrzypek. The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding leader in your PTA who, by his or her actions, inspires others to volunteer and assume leadership positions. The award is given in recognition of outstanding PTA volunteerism and leadership.
Eligibility: To be eligible for nomination the nominee must:
- Be a member of a PTA/PTSA in good standing.
- Volunteer through the PTA.
Members of the New York State PTA Governance Team are not eligible for this award.
Applications: Applications will be made available on the New York State PTA website (
Award: The State winner will be honored at the New York State PTA Convention in November and will receive an engraved mantle clock. The chosen recipients from Western Region will also be recognized with a clock from NYS PTA at the Presidents & Principals Dinner in October.
Submit applications to your Region Director.
All units must be in good standing to be eligible for awards.
A unit in good standing:
- Filed their Annual Officer Information Update (Form A) with NYS PTA.
- Bylaws are current.
- Membership payments are on time.
- Adheres to the Purposes and Basic Policies of the PTA.