Cat Carriers

Does any cat look forward to the annual vet visit? Most likely the answer is “no!” From a cat's point of view, the experience can be very traumatic because the carrier, car ride and vet hospital are unfamiliar. Check out this video to get an idea of your cat's perspective:

We want your help to soothe your cat's stress during their veterinary visit. A cornerstone to a “fear free” visit is to give your cat a “safe space” and that means acclimating your cat to the carrier. Carrier exposure is a very important part of limiting stress in the car and hospital. Allow your cat to become comfortable with his/her carrier as a kitten. Kittens should play, sleep and sometimes find catnip or good treats in the carrier.  Doing this gifts your cat with a Safe Space that travels with them to unfamiliar territory. 

The types of carriers we recommend are sturdy plastic with an easily detachable top, like this one: 

Hard plastic carriers are easier to clean and the detachable top allows the veterinarian to examine your cat in their Safe Space. Many cats prefer to hide while at the vet, so we supply Feliway towels to place over the carrier when you arrive.

If a soft carrier is used, we recommend that it have an opening in the front as well as a large opening at the top

Please avoid carriers that require a cat to be pulled from or dumped out, like this one: 

The front door is too small to allow an exam in the carrier and cat claws grab the fabric making easy removal from the carrier impossible. 

Overall, your cat’s carrier should be a happy and comforting part of their life. That way, travel and vet visits are less stressful!