Cyber & Forensic Psychology

CyberPsychology & Forensic Cyberpsychology: Technological usage and the social consequences of online interactions have a deep impact on the mind and behavior of cyberspace users. Technology has evolved many newer forms of behavior that are unique to cyberspace.  The psychology of how people behave in a technology-connected environment has crystalized a new field of study, Cyberpsychology, pertaining to the way people interact through computers or digital devices and the emotional effects that usage has on the brain. Cyberpsychology is also referred to as internet psychology or web psychology. Several psychological factors play a role in human behavior, both online and offline. As we grow up and embark on different social, psychological, and biological dimensions, technology plays a major role in meeting several changing needs. 

Social media has been incorporated into cyber-users' everyday routines therein, triggering impacts on users and society in positive and negative mannerisms. The unconventional features of social media may help in fostering cyberactivism to address the meaningfulness of social and behavioral change in cyber-users in their real life. The psychological disorder due to gaming addiction is a new challenge for psychologists. Another concept of cyberpsychology deals with life after death in the digital dimension. The ramifications of death in the digital era are dealt with by a new set of rules that raise ethical and personal concerns. In consideration of research in Cyberpsychology, I am interested in supervising in collaboration with psychologists on the below-listed topics but not limited to: