How would you like to be addressed?

 It pleases me to be called Shafik or, by my nickname, Abu Asmaa. 

Why did you choose these research interests?

It’s fascinating to me that we are increasingly able to apply computer engineering principles to support human-centered activities and sustainable nature. Whereas much of synthetic computing is focused on applications (e.g., agriculture, transportation, or industrialization), I firmly believe that computer engineering will also play a significant role in driving future breakthroughs in basic human science.

Much of the last decade's scientific progress in my field has been driven by high throughput assays (e.g., Digital farming,  Smart Agriculture, Health Computing, Explainable and operational AI, Security, and Privacy). Still, these techniques are, by their very nature, descriptive. If we can engineer them at similar manageable scales, we should be able to understand these systems based on first principles. For example, can we generate a minimal explainable AI tool for a multicellular organism to really understand the source code that governs development? If yes, can we write new code to add novel functionality to an organism? 

Why DCRLab?

I was very attracted to the idea of being part of building an ambitious laboratory focused on engineering. Universities are institutions that typically last for hundreds of years and have a significant influence on their host communities. It seemed like an incredible opportunity to participate in the early stages of the laboratory and help shape the institution in its core research interests that align with the African Agenda and SDGs. Also, the core laboratory funding allows me to focus on ambitious long-term projects, which would be very difficult at many other institutions where grant funding is given on a shorter time horizon.

Can I collaborate with you on research?

Sure, my passion lies in collaborating with the academic adventurers of tomorrow. If you wish to collaborate with me, I appreciate that; kindly do not hesitate to reach out before embarking on this collaborative journey. Do a preliminary exploration of my research interests, current publications, and ongoing projects. When you identify any exciting avenue for collaboration, consider sending me an email at (wasswashafik [at] dcrlab [dot] org) with a research summary or project (in pdf format with not more than 4 pages), for our partnership shall flourish in these shared aspirations.

How do you engage with students and facilitate their learning?

This could be generic, through lectures, discussions, and interactive activities to facilitate their learning. They provide guidance, feedback, and support to help students grasp complex concepts, encourage critical thinking, and foster a positive learning environment. They may also mentor students on research projects and career development.

Any fun facts for us?

"Kindness and respect are the only languages any living thing can understand and appreciate."