Call for Chapters

CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group: Sustainable Healthcare Systems in Africa: Technologies, Practices and Management

The subject of sustainable medical care systems in Africa is extremely important, especially as technology advances in different arenas. The book deals with special challenges that African content faces, and there is a pressing demand for detailed healthcare services that consider environmental, social, and economic sustainability. This book is an advanced investigation into how modern contemporary technologies, forward-looking methodologies, and effective management strategies can revolutionize healthcare throughout the African continent. This comprehensive analysis explores the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies, the promotion of sustainable practices, and the implementation of effective monitoring strategies to create resilient and eco-friendly healthcare systems. Moreover, it serves as a guide for healthcare professionals, politicians, and other stakeholders who are dedicated to making sustainable improvements in healthcare delivery in Africa while also promoting environmental preservation and economic sustainability. It provides practical insights and real-life examples to support these efforts. Participate in a profound and impactful expedition towards a significantly healthier and more sustainable future for the entire continent.

Chapter Submission Decision: Sep 15, 2024 | Revision: Oct 10, 2024 | Final Submission Deadline: Oct 15, 2024 | To the Publisher: Nov 30, 2024  More details.........

Nova Science Publishers: Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Sustainable Healthcare Sector

This technical description provides an overview of the key concepts and technologies covered in the book. The book begins with an introduction to the growing challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) in smart and intelligent environments. In the dynamic intersection of technology and healthcare, AI emerges as the catalyst propelling the sustainable transformation of the healthcare sector into a realm of unprecedented efficiency and innovation. By harnessing the power of AI, healthcare providers are revolutionizing patient care, diagnostics, and treatment protocols, ushering in an era where precision and personalization are the cornerstones of medical practice.  The integration of AI not only accelerates the speed and accuracy of diagnosis but also optimizes resource allocation, reducing waste and environmental impact. From predictive analytics that anticipate disease outbreaks to AI-driven robotic surgeries minimizing human error, the symbiotic relationship between AI and healthcare not only enhances patient outcomes but also contributes significantly to the sustainability of our healthcare ecosystem. This synergistic fusion of artificial intelligence and healthcare is not just a technological leap; it's a conscientious stride towards a more resilient and ecologically responsible future for global well-being.

Chapter Submission Decision: Apr 15, 2024 | Revision: Apr 30, 2024 | Final Submission Deadline: May 01, 2024 | To the Publisher: May 03, 2024  More details.........