Login & Accounts


You must have an Omeka S account to login. Contact Eva Guggemos to request an account.

  1. Go to https://heritage.lib.pacificu.edu/login
  2. Enter your account email and password


Omeka S has 6 types (or roles) of user accounts. Your access to Omeka varies depending on your role. If you cannot access a feature, you may need a different role assigned to your account. Some sites and resources are only available to owners. If you are trying to access new content, you may need to request ownership of the content.


  • Search and read-only


  • Search, read, and create items, item sets and media. You can only edit or delete content which you have created.
  • Search and read only access to vocabularies and sites.


  • Search, read, create, and edit all items and item sets. You can only delete those items, item sets, media, sites, and site pages which you own.
  • Create or edit sites to which you have been granted access.
  • Search and read only access to vocabularies and resource templates.


  • Create, edit, and delete items, item sets, media resource templates, and site pages.
  • Search, read, and create sites and users, and edit or delete sites you own.
  • Search and read only access to vocabularies.

Site Administrator

  • Create, edit, and delete items, item sets, media resource templates, site pages, sites, and users.
  • Modules (Bulk Upload)

For any other functions, contact libsupport@pacificu.edu.

*Most accounts will be authors, able to create but only able to delete content they have created.