Add New Item

You must have an author, reviewer, or editor account to access the new item page.

1. Log in at

If you need a username/password, contact

2. On the left navigation bar, go to Resources > Items.

3. Click the Add new item button in the upper right.

4. Under Resource template select Add an Image

This will load a generic template for adding a new image to your collection. If you have something other than a photograph, select the correct template type, e.g. Text or Video

5. Leave the Class field set to its default value

For images, the default value of this field should be "Dublin Core Type: Image". This field tells the program which other fields are needed in order to complete the description.

6. Fill out the rest of the form.

This Cheat-Sheet (pdf) has brief directions on filling out the fields, or consult our more detailed Description Rules.

7. You can add more fields beyond what is present in the template using the Filter Properties box (upper right).

Note - this is usually not necessary. Each property has a specific purpose. You can refer to the Guidelines for more.

8. Add your Media (middle tab).

9. Click Upload and enter a media Title and Upload File.

You can use any of the Add Media options.
  • URL adds the content at the url entered
  • HTML adds the plain text or html you enter
  • YouTube adds YouTube content
  • Sideload adds content from a location on the Omeka S server

10. Click Item sets (middle right tab).

11. Type into Filter item sets (top right) to add the item to a Collection or Item Set.

12. Click the Add button (upper right) to complete the item.

The eye icon next to the Add button indicates that the item is view-able by the public. To hide the item, click the eye.

13. Congratulations! Your item is now live. If you need to make changes, see edit an item.