File Names

Files that you upload to WCHO should follow this name format:

Standard format: [OrganizationPrefix]_Number

Examples: PUApic_00123 or CORpic_627

  • The Prefix refers to your organization, i.e. CORpic = Cornelius Public Library. See the list below.
We use prefixes so that: (a) it's clear on our server which files 'belong' to each organization; and (b) we don't accidentally create duplicate identical file names
  • An underscore _ separates the Prefix and the Number
  • The "Number" is the next available sequential number. For example, if the last number you used was PUApic_00101, your next file would be numbered PUApic_00102. It's OK if there are gaps between your numbers. The main point is to have unique filenames. Ask Pacific's Archivist for help if you're not sure what number to start with:
  • TIP: If you need to rename a large number of files, an app called Bulk Rename Utility can help you automate the process.

When you have multiple files from the same original item (like two JPGs from one postcard):

  • Sometimes multiple files come from a single item. For example, if you scanned a postcard and it had a front side and a back side, they would both be from the same "item," but you would have two JPGs.
  • If the files are in the same format, such as two JPGs from the same postcard:
      1. Create a normal filename for the first (and usually most important) file. For example: PUApic_00102.jpg
      2. Use the same filename for the other files, but append an extra letter at the end. For example, if the front of the postcard is PUApic_00102.jpg; the back would be PUApic_00102b.jpg.
      3. You can put as many 'appended' files together as necessary.
However, be aware that they will display stacked one over the other. This can look awkward. If you have more than three files, it may be better to make a multi-page PDF rather than associating 4+ JPG images with the same item record.
  • If you have multiple file formats for the same item, such as an audio recording in .mp3 format plus a transcript in .pdf format, give them the same filename but with a different file extension. For example: PUApic_09823.mp3 and PUApic_09823.pdf

Prefixes for each Organization

  • Banks Historical Society : BHSpic_
  • Centro Cultural : CCpic_
  • Cedar Mill Community Library : CMLpic_
  • City of Beaverton : BEApic_
  • Community Action : CAOtxt_ or CAOpic_
  • Cornelius Public Library : CORpic_
  • Forest Grove City Library : FGLpic_
  • Friends of Historic Forest Grove : FHFGpic_
  • Garden Home History Project : GHHpic_
  • Pacific University Archives : PUApic_
  • Tigard Public Library : TPLpic_
  • Washington County Museum : WCMpic_