IEP -- Special Education

Definitions & History

Result of ... the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, “IDEA” -- 1990

Students with disabilities receive a “free and appropriate public education” (“FAPE”) in the least restrictive setting, and the specialized instruction and individualized services and supports that meet the student’s unique needs. 

To be eligible for services under IDEA, a student must have at least one of the 13 diagnoses or a related condition as specified in this law: 

- autism 

- hearing impairment 

- deafness 

- deaf-blind 

- intellectual disability 

- multiple disabilities [non-categorical delays] 

- orthopedic impairment 

- other health impairment 

- serious emotional disturbance 

- specific learning disability 

- speech or language impairment 

- traumatic brain injury 

- visual impairment, including blindness

What's the general process of developing and following an IEP plan?

What happens as a result of an IEP plan?