Anatomy & Physiology 

Outline of Units

Unit 1 – Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

            1.1 – Class norms & expectations

            1.2 -  A&P resources, description, and areas of study

            1.3 – Body organization

            1.4 – Body systems

            Lab – 1st dissection


Unit 2 – Homeostasis and Disease

            2.1 – Cell membrane & balance

            2.2 – Equilibrium in the body

            Project – Disorders of the body

            Lab – Homeostasis of the eye

            Lab – Effects of exercise on homeostasis


Unit 3 – Terminology

            3.1 – Positions & directions

            3.2 – Parts, regions, & planes

            3.3 – Cavities

            3.4 – Membranes

            Lab – 2nd dissection


Unit 4 – Tissues

            4.1 – Epithelial tissue

            4.2 – Smoking, Vaping, & Glands

            4.3 – Connective tissue

            4.4 – Muscle & Nervous tissues

            Lab – Histology & Microscopes


Unit 5 – Circulatory System

            5.1 – Heart Structure

            5.2 – Heart Function

            5.3 – Red Blood Cells

            5.4 – White blood cells, plasma, & clotting

            5.5 – Blood vessel structure & function

            Lab – Heart dissection


Unit 6 – Skeletal System

            6.1 – Skeletal Structure & Function

            6.2 – Bone structure

            6.3 – Bone composition

            6.4 – Bone development & growth

            6.5 – Bone joints & movements

            Activity – Plotting points - Bone mass across a lifetime


            6.6 – Structures on bones

            6.7 – Cranial bones

            6.8 – Facial bones

            6.9 – Vertebral column

            6.10 – Typical vertebra

            6.11 – Thoracic cage

            6.12 – Pectoral Girdle & Upper Limbs

            Lab – Compare using an articulated skeleton

Lab – Put together a disarticulated skeleton




Unit 7 – Muscle System

            7.1 – Three types of muscle

            7.2 – Skeletal muscle structure

            7.3 – Muscle contraction

            7.4 – Strength & Exercise

            7.5 – Muscle system issues


            7.6 – Head & Facial muscles

            7.7 – Trunk muscles

            7.8 – Upper & Lower Limb muscles

            Lab – Muscle anatomy in Clay

Muscle Identification Test


Unit 8 – Digestive System

            8.1 – Mouth, Salivary glands, Pharynx, & Esophagus

            8.2 – Stomach

            8.3 - Pancreas & Liver

            8.4 – Small & Large Intestine

            8.5 – Nutrition & Disorders

            Lab – Fetal Pig Dissection


Unit 9 – Nervous System

            9.1 – Neurons & Impulses

            9.2 – Central Nervous System

            9.3 – Peripheral Nervous System

            Lab – Distractions & Reactions

            Lab – Brain dissection


Unit 10 – The Senses & The Integumentary System

            10.1 – The Skin, Touch & Pain

            10.2 – Smell & Taste

            10.3 – Hearing

            10.4 – The Eye

            Lab – Eye dissection

            Lab – Investigate Nerve Receptors on the Skin

            Lab – Perception


Unit 11 – The Urinary System

            11.1 – Kidney anatomy

            11.2 – Kidney function

            Lab – Kidney dissection


Unit 12 – Respiratory System

            12.1 – Larynx, Trachea, & Lungs

            12.2 – Breathing

            Lab – Vital Lung Capacity


Unit 13 – Reproductive & Endocrine Systems

            13.1 – Male Reproductive System

            13.2 – Female Reproductive System