Research theme for students
(Bannai Lab)

We will work with you to come up with themes that excite you.

Keywords: Brain, Neuron, Glial cells, Cell Biology, Physiology, Pathology, Molecular Biology, Learning and Memory, Microscopy, Membrane, Single- Molecule Analysis, Calcium Signaling, Alzheimer's Disease, Technology Development
Research materials: Primary culture neurons from mice and rats, Cell culture, iPS Cells, Quantum dots, Antibodies, DNA, Fluorescent probes
Methodology: Single-molecule imaging, intracellular signal imaging, molecular biology, image analysis, cell biology

<Examples of Research Themes>
Research to understand how the brain works and the mechanisms that cause neurodegenerative diseases through molecular dynamics
Analysis of synapses in model cells of neurological diseases (multiple models of Alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia, ALS, epilepsy)
Analysis of abnormal membrane molecular dynamics in human patient iPS cells (ALS, schizophrenia, etc.)
Effect of serum derived from patients with NMDA receptor antibody encephalopathy on membrane molecular dynamics
Effects of anesthetics on membrane molecular dynamics
Activity imaging of calcium signaling downstream molecules involved in memory and learning
Study of the actions of neurotrophic factors and synaptic organizers
Visualization of calcium signaling nanodomains 

Development of new technologies for the diagnosis of neurological diseases and life sciences
Creation and validation of degenerate tau visualization probes
Establishment of in vivo imaging system of degenerate tau degeneration
Establishment of a single-molecule imaging method using nucleic acid aptamers
Establishment of a high-throughput single-molecule dynamics data analysis method using machine learning
Cell personality from membrane molecular dynamics
Development of techniques to manipulate tau dynamics