
Cooking Competition

Do cooking competitions make your little heart pitter patter? Well, we have a medieval cooking/brewing competition for WW this year planned for Friday afternoon! It will have 2 categories: European and non-European and we ask that you bring enough food for the populace to taste and a list of ingredients. If you happen to get the recipe from a period source, we would love to see that as well, but a period recipe is not a requirement. One award will be from the populace vote and the other will be from the judges.


There will ALSO be a display table for cooking/brewing related items like aprons, pottery, wooden spoons, blacksmithing, herbs from your garden, etc. I'm really excited about this as I would love to see the varied skills of our artisans of Northshield. The awards here will be a populace vote and a personal favorite award/s (of something that really tickled my fancy).


The awards will be cooking and brewing related pottery items like pots/skillets/pipkins, etc. If you have any questions or need help with sources, please let me know here or email me at: (You can also try to Facebook message me but sometimes those messages are hidden from me).


Look forward to seeing and tasting what you make!!


Yours in Service,

Katerina Unru, OL