Call for Submissions

DUE DATE:  1 March 2023

Start your Submission Here.


A Biennial AAfH Anthropology for Humankind Event


Anthropology as a discipline has emphasized the elaboration of understandings about humans across space and time, no matter the national or regional context of the scholar's training.  Whether to document people's biocultural heritage (Anthropological Survey of India), to demonstrate how empirical data disproves ideologies of racial hierarchies (Antenor Firmin), or to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange (sociocultural anthropology), anthropological findings have explicated important elements of humans' existence.  Yet even within these three examples from different anthropological traditions, implicit in all of them is the transformative nature of such knowledge through its application.

         As such, the organizers of the WAAC 2023 seek proposals for panels, papers, or posters based upon original and unpublished results that address the questions: what are the socially relevant findings from empirical research that address important problems of the contemporary moment, and how can they be, or have they been put to use for social change?  The organizers invite submissions that address the conundrums of humans' lives and offer ways of resolving them.  Submissions may relate to any topic within biological anthropology, cultural or social anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, or cognate disciplines, may draw upon research from anywhere humans are, and may be historical or contemporary in chronological orientation.  In addition, this Congress will celebrate the life and work of Prof. Michael H. Crawford.  Given this celebration and the pressing issues of the current moment, the organizers are particularly (but not solely) interested in proposals on the following topics:


We are calling for submissions of full panels, individual (or co-authored) papers, posters, and sessions of "rapid-fire talks" focused on a theme.  All presentations and papers must be given in English.

To increase participation from around the world, presentations may be given virtually or in-person.  Questions can be directed to 

Acceso a la convocatorio abierto de presentaciones en español, cliquee aquí.