Participation Confirmation

For Students & Parents

To confirm your participation in the festival, you must complete the Student Contract (button link below). This form provides festival organizers with information needed to ensure a safe and positive experience.

The Student Contract must be completed no later than February 28, 2024

If your music teacher asks you to complete this sooner than February 28th, you should do so.

For Music Educators

Unless you indicate otherwise, it will be assumed that all students from your school who were placed in an All State ensemble will be participating in the festival. If you have any students who will NOT be accepting their placement or who will not be participating in the festival for any reason, submit this linked form indicating the appropriate names.

The 2024 participation fee is $250 per student. You will be provided with an invoice.

The postmark deadline for mailing payment of festival participation fees is March 15, 2024. **Please plan ahead to ensure that your school's payment is mailed on time.

Remember that participation fees must be paid by school check. Personal checks from students or their parents are not acceptable for payment (though a personal check from the student's music educator will be accepted).

Each school that has student participants must submit the Teacher-Principal Signature Form (see buttons below). Instructions are included on the form.

Below are a copy of the guidelines that students and parents/guardians agree to when completing the student contract.

Student Agreement

The Vermont All State Music Festival gives participants an intensive experience in a performance ensemble. A participant must attend all rehearsals, concerts and all other scheduled festival activities. The ensemble’s preparation and performance would be severely harmed without this policy. The festival’s educational objective requires that a participant experience ALL rehearsals and other activities, follow curfews and other policies, and be fully prepared to contribute to the final performances. Failure to attend all of the festival’s rehearsals, concerts and other activities will result in disqualification from further participation in this year’s festival, and may result in disqualification from future festivals. In the event of an illness or family emergency that requires the student to be excused from a festival event, the participant will not be penalized from participation in future festivals. Because it is essential for all performers to participate in all aspects of the preparation, there are no exceptions to the requirement that a participant attend all rehearsals and other required activities in order to perform in the festival.

In completing this Student Contract and accepting my assigned position in the Vermont All State Music Festival, I understand my obligation to the Festival as outlined here. I also understand that it is my responsibility to stay in good standing at my school and be actively enrolled in my school’s appropriate music performance group at this time in order that I be allowed to participate. I agree to abide by all festival policies and rules or else risk being dismissed from the festival.

All the information submitted through this form is true and accurate.

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I fully support this student's participation in the All State Music Festival.

I hereby give my permission for this student to take non-prescription medication as needed when administered by the festival's health professionals. I understand that students who require the administration of prescription medication during the festival must bring the appropriate parental permission form, medication schedule and medication to the festival and the school's music educator or other chaperone must be prepared to serve as the student’s UAP (Unlicensed Assistive Personnel) for this event. In case of a medical emergency, I hereby give permission to the Festival Director or the Dean of Students to transport, hospitalize, and secure proper treatment for this participant.

I will support the enforcement of festival policies and acknowledge that infractions of guidelines may result in immediate dismissal of this participant from the festival with no refund of any payments. If the participant is dismissed, it will be my responsibility to make transportation arrangements.

All the information submitted through this form is true and accurate.