Tips and Tricks


  • Take attendance from Main Menu's green field, enter date, and click attended.

  • Eliminate paper for attendance taking. Bring your device to the programs each day and take attendance quickly from within the database.

  • Enroll ALL your students before taking attendance for each class. This will save lots of time later as if you take attendance for a day and forgot to enroll a student, you will need to enter the unenrolled students 'manually".

  • After upgrading you need to sort your lists to get them to alphabetize by clicking the underlined titles in the blue header.


    • If your pop up lists are really long in the main menu, you can scroll down inside the pop ups to the last name and hit enter to show the entire list if it cuts off

    • When your pop up list pops up, begin typing to cull the list, with student last name first, then use the arrows and tab.


  • Never open a database file from an email attachment and start working (always save to your folder first)

  • Never talk about a students' private information contained in the database WITH ANYONE FOR ANY REASON .