Vehicle Optimization Intelligent Control Energy Laboratory

Online Open Course


Dynamics (2020-S, 2021-S)

Kinematics (2020-F, 2021-F, 2022-F, 2023-F)

System Control (2020-F)

Mechanical Engineering Experiment (2021-S, 2022-S)

Creative Engineering (Computer programming and its application to engineering problem) (2021-S, 2022-F)

Chassis and Vehicle Dynamics (2022-S, 2023-S, 2024-S)

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Application (2022-S)


Optimal Control Theory (2024-S) (English lecture)

Topics covered in this lecture

Digital Control Theory (2023-S): In this course, the Model Predictive Control, Optimization Theory, and Optimal Control Theory are mainly covered (details can be found by expanding the arrow) (English lecture)

Topics covered in this lecture

Intelligent Control Theory (2023-F) (English lecture)

Tentative Topics: Robust MPC, Stochastic MPC, Scenario MPC, Learning-based Robust/Stochastic MPC, Gaussian Process for Regression, Gaussian Process Based MPC, Kalman Filtering (Basic, EKF, UKF) 

Advanced Dynamics (2020-S, 2021-F)