Sample Student Work

Psyc 089/053 Spring 2020 with COVID interruption

Spring 2020 threw an unexpected surprise at me and the students of this first year seminar. Rather than complete their projects on campus in the makerspaces, some groups got creative and demonstrated the ideas that would have been crafted in the makerspace. This group had plans to design a boxing match, rigged to identify the "winner" in a match-up of factors that influence statistical power. Here's an example video in a series of videos that look at factors that increase power. Other ideas explored included standard deviation and mean distance. The rationale for such videos is to offer students learning statistics a concrete visual representation of abstract concepts.

Psyc 089/053

Psyc 210

In Fall '18 students in Psyc 530 worked with the makerspace to share findings on the laser cutter training offered at BeAM.

White Paper Psyc 530.pdf

Psyc 530

In Fall '17, students conducted research for publication. They wanted to share their work with a wider audience, so they created this website.