Letters of Recommendation

Instructions for Requesting Letters of Recommendation

from Dr. Sathy

I write many letters for a number of types of positions for people I have known in various ways. I want to do this in a top quality way and minimize the chance of errors on your part or mine while maximizing a successful outcome for both of us.

Please follow these instructions VERY CAREFULLY if you would like me to write a letter for you. Even if you have talked to me in my office or we've emailed, I may not have given you complete instructions, so please follow the instructions below. If you follow these instructions carefully, including giving me all requested materials, it is likely that I can turn around your request in couple of weeks.

First, request that I add you to my Letters of Recommendation site on Sakai. The site will notify you once you have been added.

In Sakai > Dropbox, provide the following:

1. A completed form

Download the form from Resources > Letter of Recommendation Form (you can see a copy of the form to the right).

Complete it and upload it to dropbox in Sakai.

Sathy Letter of Recommendation Form.dotx

2. Other required materials

Your data analysis project in 210, your final project paper in 270, or your work from Psyc 530.

In constructing your letter, it will be helpful to identify a few attributes that you feel were exhibited in the course (see document to the right for helpful tips).

Sathy LOR Attributes.docx

3. Optional materials

A statement from your TA in the course (this is very helpful)

Your transcript (not necessary)

Your personal statement (draft is acceptable)

Program information (sometimes helpful if it is less familiar to me)

4. I will email you when your letter is submitted. Email me one week before a deadline, and again one day before a deadline if you have not yet heard from me.

When completing forms, please use the following for me:

Name: Dr. Viji Sathy; email: viji.sathy@unc.edu

Title: Professor of the Practice

Affiliation: Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Phone Number: (919)843-9119

Address: #CB3270, Davie Hall, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270

Lastly, I'd love to hear from you. Please contact me when you learn more. Try not be discouraged if you are not admitted or awarded a spot in your first attempt. I'm happy to resubmit letters as many times as needed to help you secure a spot. Dr. S