Teaching and Courses

My Courses

Hi! Welcome to my site. On this page you will find information about the courses I teach, syllabi, and resources. Additionally, if you have been in one of my courses in the past you will find information about how to connect with me, request letters of recommendations, or access materials from our course. Thanks for visiting and I hope to connect with you soon! --Dr. S

Introductory Statistics (PSYC 210)

This course is an introductory statistics course. It is taught as a course undergraduate research experience (CURE). Students will work together to conduct research alongside learning to apply statistics and data literacy. Students will learn how to conduct analysis as well as communicate findings to a variety of audiences.

Advanced Research Methods (PSYC 530)

This is a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) class in which students will learn about methodological principles through hands-on project work. Students will team up to pose a novel question, gather and analyze data, and report findings on a topic relevant to our campus community. Students can expect to gain scientific skills as well as skills in collaboration and communication.

First-Year Seminar (PSYC 053)

Students in this course will create models in the BeAM spaces on campus that will help make abstract topics about numbers more concrete. Students will learn practical skills that will be useful in subsequent classes at Carolina and after graduation (e.g., in graduate school, in work, as a consumer, as a citizen).

Research Methods (PSYC 270)

This course is an introductory research methodology course. For those of you who are interested in conducting research in psychology or a related discipline, this course will provide a solid foundation in research methods. For all students, I hope the course illustrates how often you encounter research and provide you with the knowledge and skills to critically evaluate research claims.

FAQs for new students

A round up of some FAQs for different courses I teach. You can find sample syllabi here.

Student Resources and Guides

A collection of some of my favorite resources to share with students.

Letters of Recommendation

Need a letter of rec? Here are some of my guidelines.

Stay in Touch!

I'd love to hear from you any time! Drop me a line here.

Student Testimonials

Coming soon!

Teaching Recognitions

Some info on Trainings I've completed, Awards & Honors received.

I have completed trainings in the following: