Dissertation Supervision

I am happy to supervise undergraduate dissertations in: Philosophy of Science (Metaphysics of Science, General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Astrophysics and Space Exploration); Philosophy of Mind; Critical Thinking.

I am happy to supervise postgraduate dissertations in: Philosophy of Science (Metaphysics of Science, General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Astrophysics and Space Exploration).


Up to now, I have supervised a number of undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) dissertations in the following topics:


Here are some guidelines for your dissertation writing (Please note that this is just personal advice; you are free to develop and structure your dissertation in another way; my advice does not replace the Unipg handbook, which you must read and follow carefully!). 

Undegraduate Dissertation:

ATTENTION: Always remember to cite the relevant literature. Do not plagiarize. Translations of texts found in the literature/ on the web in Italian, without proper references, are considered plagiarism. Adhere to a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago...) as per your department's guidelines.