History Was Worth Be This World

It is a challenge to the history

that I have walked the earth but that I was

considered not to be of any worth

and treated as an illness not to be

infected by, since truth is I was this

which qualified the whole entire world.


I made The Trinity clear to the world.

And to The Lord I said that history

was not the world. The Trinity showed this

to be the case. Quite clear on that I was.

Instead of ending, focused on to be

the world became, for God to be of worth.


I said The Father is the seed, of worth

when fallen to the ground into the world.

The Holy Spirit is the growth, to be

the nature of the seed. Grasp history.

The Son the harvest is. Some state He was,

by making bread, already doing this.


Considerate I was revealing this.

I did not publish it, to be of worth,

but unimportant as the rain I was

by sending mails to the entire world.

I had a sense of changing history.

A kind of master, though, I would not be.


Insane was what the good Lord let me be.

Insane the rain is, and by being this,

no purpose given, none to history.

No man will say I was of any worth.

But even so I really changed the world.

A gift from Heaven to the earth I was.


I was the saving rain. And being this

is that to be which will not be of worth.

I changed the world. But made no history.