Be Christian


On the third day after Jesus rose from his grave after the crucifixion, and on the day He ascended to Heaven, I believe, He met His disciples, who were then gathered. At his parting he said to them:

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

(The gospel according to St. Matthew, 28:18-20)

So it is important to perceive everything that Jesus said to his disciples as if he said it to each one of us, as we ought to be Jesus' disciples. And it is important to have an idea of what the Trinity is.

A common name for God is Jehovah. The name is originally Hebrew JHVH, which means "I Am". In Greek, the name is translated as Ego Eimi, and Jesus used the name to such an extent on himself that it became the occasion for him to be crucified. The Jews alleged that He blasphemed God by making Himself like God. Jehovah therefore means "I Am", but the fact is that the languages of the world have undergone a development. In the very old days, before Jesus, the division into subject, predicate and object was unknown. One thought of the individual as empowered and as existence and being, as the sun is when we say "the sun shines" or "the sun warms". With Jesus it became that "the sun gives heat", which is subject, predicate and object.

So that language changed in that respect the individual changed from having an aim to have a goal. This development of the goal was what Jesus laid the groundwork for in his famous words about the Trinity. The individual, i.e. the subject, became responsible.

The Father Subject

The Son Object

The Holy Spirit Predicate

What Jesus actually did was to unite idealistic and materialistic thinking by ensuring that the materialistic notion (matter – motion – form) became the idea in the idealistic notion (form – matter). Being became subject – predicate – object.

This development of the language, i.e. the creation of the goal, has had enormous significance for the world, and has also taken place in cultures that do not profess Christianity. In the East, the poem form haiku came into the world when people began to change the language.

A Subject

So Object

Is or does Predicate

So that the Trinity must be understood as lying immanent in language as a form that each of us takes for granted, by virtue of the goal. God is not only the Word, but is also aim, by being the Trinity. The Son is decisive for each one of us, and the Son is also decisive for the culture. Jesus Christ is the Son.

There is faith, hope and love. In the Trinity, the Father is faith, the Son is hope, and the Holy Spirit is love. If we create a stylistic image of the Trinity, that is to say an idea that can be visualized, we get three distinct persons.

The Father Faith Personally

The Holy Spirit Love Universal

The Son Hope Social


Let us, for the sake of illustration, look at the tree. For teaching purposes, a ballpoint pen can picture the tree. A tree is divided precisely in three by being root, trunk and crown, and by looking to the tree we can get an idea of the Trinity.

Root The Father

Trunk The Holy Spirit

Crown The Son

Let us be aware that the tree does not give a schematically correct picture of development. The point is that in life the root comes first, but then the crown begins to show before the trunk, really. Growth is like that, what we already learn in the Story of The Creation.

The tree can depict faith, hope and love. And we are justified by faith, and by faith alone 1. Nothing can save itself. Illustrative is the story of when Jesus accompanied Lazarus to his house and was welcomed by Martha and Mary, who were Lazarus' sisters 2. Jesus sat down in the house to teach his followers. Martha, who was the eldest sister, began to prepare the banquet, while Mary (Magdalena) sat down at the Lord's feet and listened. After a while, Martha told Jesus that he had to rebuke Mary, who did not help. However, Jesus replied that Martha was preoccupied with many things, but that one thing is necessary, and that Mary had chosen the good part, and it should not be taken from her.

Root Necessary

Tribe Useful

Crown Beauty

If we are to put into words this one thing in life that is necessary, then it is to say that it is to have a lucky starting point. Mary chose to get that, while at the same time she gave Jesus a lucky starting point by her attention.

As for what is necessary, useful and good, Jesus said that each of us is required in one of three ways 3. We can be bound from the mother's womb, we can be bound by men, and we can be bound for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. This is faith, hope and love.

The tree is a picture. It also illustrates that no one can save himself. All are from below, according to the justification which the Son is. Jesus Christ was alone from above 4. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life 5, and in that sense Jesus is root, crown and stem, and faith, hope and love.


The crown of the tree is both fruit and foliage. The tree has two kinds of offspring, and we can say it is a boy and a girl. The apple does not fall far from the tree, we say, and the meaning of life is the Son, not the daughter, who is temporal.

Israel, he who was first called Jacob, and who became the father of Israel's twelve tribes, married first Leah, then Rachel 6. Leah had dull eyes, and Rachel had sharp eyes. Involuntarily we will think of sorrow and joy, but in Norwegian we have this expression about the joy of sorrow. The joy of sorrow is to create. It came about that Jesus descended from Leah's offspring, namely from Judah, and not from Rachel's offspring, although it is said that from the beginning Israel was most excited about Rachel.

For the sake of perspective, we can use a ballpoint pen as a picture of the Trinity, and the offspring of the ballpoint pen is both the word and the goal. The girl can be completely formal. And she can be funny. But the girl depends on the word, which gives life to the language. This is the law, that everything in life is a "not", and that this "not" depends on what it is not. The foliage on the tree supports the fruit.


The tree is divided into three, a ballpoint pen is divided into three, and we can point to it by a stick, which is also divided into three. The staff is divided into three by having two sides, which are the starting point and the goal, when we look at it.

The staff was the first tool, and the staff is the first tool children acquire in their development. Children who play go through a development in three stages, where the stick is the first step, the flagstone, on which the child gets what it points to on the table, the second step, and the bowl, on which the child takes possession of what it has pointed to, is the third step. And then we remember that second steps most often appear before the third. The child's development is fundamental, as this development is repeated in each growth. Looking back at the development we see a conception, growth and birth. The child that comes to life in the mother's womb is the typical example.

With this development in mind, we can formulate three words as guidelines in life. The first is that it is important to have a lucky starting point. The second is that it is important to keep one's path clean. And the third is that honesty lasts the longest. In short, it is important to be kind, polite and grateful.

There were three wise men who came to Jesus after the birth 7. We must understand these as to be necessity, utility and beauty.


Earth is not heaven. But the earth is not hell. On earth we will make the heavenly valid. We will make the sky valid. As it says in the prayer 8:

“… thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth; …”

The sky makes itself known by the light, which is the sun, the stars and the moon. These are necessity, beauty, and utility, and on earth we imitate heaven as best we can. The idea is thus embodied in the matter.

The sky can also be perceived to be the sky lights and clouds, and in that sense the sky is attention and encouragement.

It is a question of whether the clouds came into being with Noah, around 3000 BC. Then began the Bronze Age, which was after the Stone Age. By the clouds, one can imagine, the notion of safeguarding was created.

The story of Noah in the Bible 9 must be understood so that it is a matter of oral transmissions over a few thousand years that around the year 1350 BC. was set down in writing. The story of the boat Noah is supposed to have built and filled with all the world's animals is otherwise hard to believe. However, according to the Bible, the rainbow was created at that time, and it became a symbol of the covenant God made with Noah. The rainbow unites light and water.

In the social, in the culture and in the power that people relate to, the Trinity as an idea is enshrined in the threefold division of state power.

Executive power The King

Legislative power Parliament

Judicial power The Court

The three sides of state power keep each other in check in that one power can only instruct a specific other power, not both of the other two. This principle is a fundamental principle in all Christian constitutions.


There were two trees in the Garden of Eden 10. These were the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we must understand these two trees as being the son and the maiden which came forth from the earth. These are love and conscience. The girl is from below, as the water in the clouds of heaven is from below.

Likewise, we must distinguish between the ace and number one, in English between "the one and only and number one". There is a difference between kings and presidents. The latter makes the girl valid by being chosen, by being from below.

Each one of us is from below and is thus like trees to be reckoned with, in a figurative sense. And Jesus said something about being like a tree. He said that the tree is known by the fruit 11. Furthermore, He said that every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire 12. And He said that a good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit 13.

Nevertheless, there is no need to judge 14. Do measure the being, but do not judge the being, as judgment on the being is always an expression of opinion, and if one judges, one will be judged for what one thinks.

This word has given rise to another fundamental principle in the Christian constitution, namely the principle of legality. This principle is that it is uninteresting what the king or the president, at the state apparatus, which is the body, thinks about each of us. What we can be judged for is not having complied with the law.


Jesus is the true vine 15, and we are the branches. What counts is being in Christ and bear much fruit. Every branch of Christ that does not bear fruit, God takes away, and every branch that bears fruit God will cleanse. Branches cannot bear fruit by themselves.

The authority in life can be perceived to be a man. By virtue of the flesh, the woman is receptive in a way that the man is not, and the man accommodates the woman in a way that the woman does not accommodate the man. However, it was a woman who anointed Jesus before He went to the crucifixion 16. Man cannot support like a woman can.

There is necessity, utility and beauty if we look at what the tree has become. Each of the three phases can be divided into three in the same way, and if we thus put the phases together, and put Jehovah in front as the permanent, we get the Ten Words. A development is put into words that dare to be valid for each growth.

However, it is not necessary to materialize the three phases, and it is not necessary to imagine the characteristics of three mysterious beings. If one thinks along the lines of "ready - done - go", one will lose bearings.

( 1 x 2 x 3 ) (123 + 321) ( 1 : 2 : 3 ) ( 3 : 2 : 1 ) = 666

The number 666 is the number of the Beast 17.


In the Law of Moses we learn that there are requirements for what we can justify regarding the fish in the water we use for food 18. The fish in the water depict our motives. And the requirement is that the fish must have fins and scales. By having shells, being independent is made visible. The being distinguishes between himself and others, and the being distinguishes himself by virtue of his taste. The being has a soul. And by having fins, to be guided is made visible. One stands for one's motives.


In the Law of Moses we learn that the animals of the field picture our rationality, and we learn that there are two commandments regarding what we can justify in this way by acquiring a certain animal as food. The animal must chew cud and have cloven hooves 19. By chewing cud, so to speak, we are thoughtful, and by having cloven hooves, so to speak, we are conscious.


In the Law of Moses we learn that the birds illustrate our ideas, and there are requirements for which birds we can justify by appropriating them as food 20. The requirement is that we must not eat birds of prey. We should not be overbearing, but kind. We must not develop personalities that are oriented towards predation and that must have laws and rules to follow in order to be good, thus making sacrifices for good deeds, but we must go for the good.



1 Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38.

2 Luke 10:38-42.

3 Matthew 19:12.

4 John 8:23.

5 John 14:6.

6 Genesis 29.

7 Matthew 2.

8 Matthew 6:5-14.

9 Genesis 6-10.

10 Genesis 2:9, 2:16-17.

11 Matthew 12:33, Luke 6:44.

12 Matthew 3:10, Luke 3:9.

13 Matthew 7:17, Luke 6:43.

14 Matthew 7:1-2.

15 John 15:1-11.

16 Matthew 26:7-13.

17 Revelation 13:18.

18 Leviticus 11.

19 Leviticus 11.

20 Leviticus 11.