Planning, Organizing & Prioritizing Work

"I learned a lot of responsibility and time management during my time at the USU, and that helped me to have greater discipline
in achieving my own personal goals."


A workshop is delivered annually to the 10 Student Representatives of the USU Board of Directors that includes strategies for Time Management development. The workshop includes interactive websites that allow them to visualize the use of their time daily and weekly, a Study-Hour Formula and visualization tools add “meaning” to the reason behind delaying gratification in lieu of studying. A portion of the workshop creates time for students to build a scholastic schedule.


Screenshot of of a calendar in day view showing partial day agenda
CSUN students standing in the USU Computer Lab

February 19, 2020 6:20 PM

Hello Ms Sharon:

I hope this email finds you well. I apologize for the delay. I just wanted to thank you for the time management workshop and document the feedback I discussed with you a few weeks ago.

I created three different calendars and linked them together. I have a calendar for my class schedule, one for my extracurricular activities, and one for my study timetable. I color-coded them too just to make them organized and avoid confusion.

This has really helped me plan out my schedule before time, and prevents me from making commitments that might be detrimental to my time. So far, it's also helped to organize my study time, and I have seen an improvement in meeting the deadlines way ahead of time in all my classes.

Attached is a screenshot of my calendar. I am excited to see how the semester goes as I continue to use this amazing resource.

Best Regards,

Arrah E.

University Student Union, Boards of Directors

Co-Chair, Personnel Committee

Achiever | Relater | Learner | Belief | Responsibility

From: Jazmin H.

Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 8:37 AM

Subject: time management

Thank you for taking your time and explaining to us the importance of organization. I actually have taken time to actually go to the gym, I started eating at least 3 times a day, before I would just binge on snacks rather than eating 3 meals. I feel much more in control in my life. So far, I feel like it's the beginning, but I still find it hard to create a schedule that's like the one you showed us, but I have put alert times in my apple calendar to begin with. I started working out in the mornings before classes, I also started looking for internships because I'm highly motivated to find one even with my doubts. Once again thank you.


Jazmin H.

Screenshot of a calendar showing a view of November 2017

From: Board Vice Chair, USU

Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 5:49:17 PM

Subject: Re: Time Management Follow Up: Nov. 3

1. In order to earn my "A" in evolutionary biology I am attending every lecture and voluntary tutoring session.

2. When I get my "A" my reward will be a much needed improvement to my G.P.A.

Thank you,

Michael O.

Vice Chair

Board of Directors

Graphic featuring the word “Tutoring”
Image of pen sitting on top of an open notebook, on top of an open textbook

Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 2:43 PM

Subject: Commitment (workshop activity)

This semester I intend to ace all of my classes by preparing well, staying organized, and completing my assignments.

One commitment that I have is reviewing my notes for one of my hardest classes one hour each day of until my second midterm which is November 7th. My reward will be watching TV when I get home for 2 hours.

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to inform us about time management! With the new information that I have learned, I am sure that it will be less difficult to stay on top of everything.

Have a great day and thanks again for your time.

Amber P.

A reminder email was sent to Student Directors at midterm as a reminder to remember their commitments to themselves as it pertains to academic achievement.

Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 10:31 AM

Subject: Re: Time Management Follow Up: Nov. 3

Thank you for checking in with us. We truly appreciate you for all that you do. So far, everything is running pretty smooth. I am getting ready for my final papers and presentations which are quickly approaching but my professors have been preparing us the whole semester for these assignments so I feel pretty confident about them. Because I worked really hard last weekend and all of last week, I rewarded myself and spent most of my weekend relaxing which really helped because now I am ready to take on the new week! Thank you again for checking in. I hope all is well with you!



A quote emailed to Student Representatives on Nov. 27, three weeks before final exams were set to begin.

Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure — Bob Bitchin

Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 7:23 PM

Subject: Re: Time Management Follow Up: Nov. 3

I haven't been able to stick to studying 40+ hours per week, but I did achieve my short term goal of studying 1 hour a day before my test, and I earned an A!

That's pretty much my only update, but writing down my goal worked!

Thank you!

Amber P.


Each member of the student leadership group performed well during the Spring 2018 semester. The average GPA was ___ (undergraduate and graduate students). A winter break email message encouraged them to reflect on their fall semester study strategies and share worked and what needs to be adjusted.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 11:42 AM

Subject: Re: Time Management Follow Up: Jan. 10

I have found out that if I have an incentive I feel more motivated so I have decided to switch to treating myself to ice cream if I reach my goals. For now, I have gotten good grades (sic) past semester so I am a step closer towards my goal of having a good GPA. Next up is my goal to get straight A's and maintain/increase my GPA. I will be working on learning to say "no" to people or things that I do not have time for and will try to not get distracted by spending too much time with friends or having fun at school, so I have to make sure I get home as soon as I am done with all my school responsibilities so I spend sufficient time with my family as well. Thank you for always reaching out Sharon, hope to see you soon!

Habiba N.

Photograph of an ice cream sundae

Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:41:42 AM

Subject: Practicing Time Management

I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I just started to actively practice the time management skills that you taught us. Last semester when you gave us the first workshop, I felt as if I was drowning and did not even try to create a calendar because of my hectic schedule, but this time around I decided to start from a clean slate and started to try different methods. I am hopeful one or even a few will work as the semester goes.

Thank you for the tips and advice...

Steph T.

Starting with a Clean Slate