Creating and/or Editing Written Reports

"My USU work experience immensely served as a great tool that helped me with preparing budgets, monthly reports,
and with inventory management as well."

Students in Administration were challenged to write a series of instructions pertaining to the tasks for which they are responsible. Content was edited by students with a final review completed by their supervisor for accuracy. Twelve (12) instructions have been created to date.

Book Inventory Training Guide

Book Inventory

Intranet Postings Training Document

Intranet Postings

StrengthsQuest Distribution Training Guide

Weekly StrengthsQuest Emails

34 Themes

XD Report Standard Operating Procedure

Preparing the Executive Director's Report

Concur User Training Guide Fina (Emery).pdf

A how-to guide for travel and expense management

As a student business assistant in Accounting & Finance, Emery Hernandez learned every aspect of the Concur and taught new users the system which made her crucial to the success of the implementation of Concur throughout the organization, said Associate Director of Accounting and Finance Joe Illuminate.