UNSW Chemistry Depth Study

A hands-on experience for students to undertake an investigation to more deeply discover scientific concepts

About the Depth Study

The UNSW Chemistry Depth Studies are aimed to immerse Year 11 and Year 12 students in the practical applications of chemistry within real-world research scenarios. These extensions to the HSC Syllabus not only assist educators in leading Depth Studies within their schools but also provide students with the invaluable opportunity to engage in hands-on experiments guided by experienced academics and senior PhD students.

Comprising meticulously curated online lesson plans, enriching resources, and thoughtfully suggested assessments, the Depth Studies culminate in a transformative capstone excursion to the state-of-the-art UNSW Chemistry laboratories. During this immersive experience, students actively participate in authentic scientific research through hands-on experiments. Moreover, they gain direct access to researchers, creating a platform for meaningful discussions on science, university life, and potential career paths.

What's in for You?

These Depth Studies seamlessly connect current research, including contributions from UNSW researchers, with teaching methodologies. They go beyond the curriculum, extending students, fostering STEM confidence, and inspiring them to envision themselves pursuing careers in STEM. Furthermore, the Depth Studies are meticulously designed to bridge the transition between high school and university-level science skills. This includes the introduction of data analysis using information technology tools, independent research components, and opportunities for scientific debate.

Currently, our offerings include Depth Studies exploring biosignatures and exoplanet atmospheres, as well as a captivating journey into synthetic chemistry.

Biosignatures: Characterising Exoplanet Atmospheres with Spectroscopy

This Depth Study is designed to captivate students through a distinctive exploration of spectroscopy – the fascinating ability to identify potential signs of life on exoplanets, planets beyond our Solar System. This application of spectroscopy, though unconventional, serves as a compelling motivator for an integral aspect of the new HSC Syllabus.

Analysis of Organic Substances

[UPDATE] This Depth Study is designed to captivate students through a distinctive exploration of spectroscopy – the fascinating ability to identify potential signs of life on exoplanets, planets beyond our Solar System. This application of spectroscopy, though unconventional, serves as a compelling motivator for an integral aspect of the new HSC Syllabus.

What to Expect?

Every Depth Study offers a transformative on-campus one-day experience, typically scheduled for mid-late May and late November-December. This hands-on experience is complemented by nine online lessons and supplementary materials designed to align with syllabus requirements, thereby serving as a motivational and pre-teaching resource for Module 8.

To further facilitate seamless integration into the Year 12 classroom, we provide valuable suggestions and additional resources for the implementation of each Depth Study. This comprehensive support ensures that educators can maximise the impact of these studies, enriching the learning experience for students.