Lesson 9: Molecules, Light, and Planets

Key Learning Objectives:

In this lesson you'll find...

Identifying Biosignatures in Exoplanet Atmospheres

We have studied that the interaction of electromagnetic waves with either atoms or molecules (spectroscopy) leads to fingerprints for these entities in the form of a spectrum. We saw that for molecules, those electromagnetic interactions can happen in different ways depending on the kind of electromagnetic radiation with which the molecule is interacting and we realised that infrared spectroscopy is the best option for the identification of molecules in the atmosphere of distant planets. 

With the understanding that spectroscopy is a valuable tool for identifying the myriad of molecules considered potential biosignatures in exoplanet atmospheres, the subsequent query arises: How can scientists observe these atmospheres, located thousands of miles away from Earth?

Seeking out there in the Universe has been a constant thought of human kind throughout history.  Our curiosity to know what is there, where we cannot go by ourselves yet, has worried humanity and lead to develop alternatives that can help us look further.  All this process of thinking, trying and making has ended up with the creation and improvement of telescopes. 

A telescope is an instrument that help us either magnify or identify distant objects. Why the distinction between magnifying and identifying? Well, some telescopes are made of an arrangement of lenses that help zoom in into distant objects in order to have a better look. On the other hand, other telescopes identify distant objects not by actually looking at them, but measuring their absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation (in other words, using spectroscopy).

Telescopes based on spectroscopy can be categorised into the same groups in which electromagnetic radiation is classified, e.g., infrared, microwave telescopes, etc. However, for the seeking of biosignatures in exoplanets, infrared telescopes are used.

Brief explanation of how information is collected from exoplanet atmospheres using space-based infrared telescopes

How does the process work? 

Graphing the Rainbow

This activity has been adapted from "Project Spectra!" developed by the University of Colorado Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.

Look at the following examples. Each of the spectra on the left can be displayed as a line plot on the right. The bright colours have high intensities, while the dark lines have low or zero intensity.


Match the spectra on the left with the corresponding line plot on the right.

Goldilocks and the Three Planets

The following are the infrared spectra for six common molecules. The x-axis in these figures corresponds to the wavelength of the infrared radiation absorbed by the molecule, while the y-xis represents the intensity of each absorption.


Below are the infrared spectra for Mars, Venus, and Earth, respectively. Identify the molecules present on each of these planets based on the infrared spectra presented above. Be careful of the x-axis scales of each of these plots

⬅️ 8. Spectroscopy                                                                 10. Scientists Communicating ➡️