Lesson 2: What is Life?

Key Learning Objectives:

In this lesson you'll find...

Defining Life

In our exciting quest for finding life beyond Earth, defining what life is exactly and what elements are essential for life to develop becomes a little complicated. While Earth provides our only template for life, the vast diversity of potential exoplanetary environments prompts us to reconsider the boundaries of what life could be. Life might transcend our conventional notions, adapting to environments vastly different from our own. It beckons us to ponder whether life could thrive in exotic forms, perhaps dwelling in the subsurface oceans of icy moons or existing as ethereal, atmospheric entities.

Class Discussion

How would you define life and what do you think are the essentials for life to thrive?

This is actually an extremely complicated question and an active topic of scientific debate! The NASA definition for life is that "Life is a self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution" Do you agree with this definition or do you think it is missing something?

Requirements for Life

As we discussed in the previous lesson, scientists are focussing on finding water-based life, even though we acknowledge that it may be possible for other forms of life to exist. Essentially, we can only start looking for life that is similar to our own since we understand the specific set of conditions that must be met for our type of life to thrive.

Life as we know it here on Earth generally requires:

These requirements are based on our understanding of life on Earth, and they serve as a starting point for the search for habitable environments on other planets and moons. However, as scientists explore the possibilities of life beyond Earth, they remain open to the idea that life could potentially exist under different conditions and with different biochemical foundations.

Have a look at the video below from 0:00 to 3:13. Can you appreciate the interconnection between physics, chemistry, and biology when definign life?

Scientific Debate and Ongoing Research

The definition, requirements and origins of life are major ongoing debates within the scientific community with no one answer universally accepted. As a scientifically-educated citizen in today's technological age, you are empowered to explore the diversity of opinions and draw your own conclusions!


Read one of the articles below and complete the following tasks:

⬅️ 1. Much Ado About Aliens                                                 3. From Chemistry to Biology ➡️