Lesson 10: Scientists Communicating

Key Learning Objectives:

In this lesson you'll find...

Scientists communicate their research results in a variety of formats: 

The most detailed record of scientific research is always the peer reviewed scientific paper. A scientific paper is a document that presents new scientific results including the method by which the results were obtained, the results themselves and detailed analysis and discussion. 

Reading Scientific Papers

Reading a scientific paper for the first time can be very confronting. However, there are some key tips that will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed and instead use papers to learn information from original scientific data and the science experts themselves rather than a journalist's interpretation of that paper. 

In many ways, a scientific paper is an evolution of your standard experimental report - often it has a similar structure, e.g. introduction, method, results, discussion and conclusion. 

However, you should almost never read a paper in the order it is written!

When reading literature, it is recommended that you view the sections in the following order:

Scientific papers also include many references. If, while reading a paper, you discover a sentence or idea that relates to what you are searching for, make sure to look through the references of the research paper to find the additional sources/papers to support your argument. 

An Example Paper and Topic

Exploring which chemicals make good or bad biosignatures

Background information

There are a large number of molecules associated with life on Earth. Many of these molecules can be readily produced by abiotic (non-biological) sources and are therefore not good biosignatures. Abiotic sources of molecules include comets that impacted the planet, volcanoes and photochemical reactions in the planet's atmosphere. 

Therefore, the usefulness of a biosignature is determined not only by the probability of life creating it but also by the improbability of non-biological processes producing it.

One key thing astronomers look for is disequilibrium, a series of molecules that shouldn't exist stably in an atmosphere unless they are being continually replenished. For example, molecular oxygen and methane react quickly and would not be present in Earth's atmosphere unless they are continually replenished. 

Scientists also need to be able to spectroscopically identify the molecule; chemicals which give strong peaks and are not overlapped by other compounds give the best biosignatures. 

Currently, there is a lot of controversy around which molecules make a good or bad biosignature in different astrophysical environments.

By examining the scientific peer-reviewed literature, we can assess current evidence and debate some of the big issues in exoplanetary spectroscopy. 


Download the below paper and complete the following tasks (Note: Many papers are not accessible to the public (though definitely feel free to email the author), but the following paper is open-access, i.e. freely available):

1) Look at the headings and subheadings of this paper. 

2) Read the abstract, introduction and conclusion. 

3) Summarise the purpose of this paper in two sentences.

4) Choose one of the following biosignatures to focus on: 

Read the relevant section, summarising the key information in about 4 short sentences.

When directed, share this information with your group. 

A Review on Exoplanet Atmospheres

We review the field of exoplanetary biosignatures with a main focus upon atmospheric gas-phase species. Due to the paucity of data in Earth-like planetary atmospheres a common approach is to extrapolate knowledge from the Solar System and Early Earth to Earth-like exoplanets. We therefore review the main processes (e.g. atmospheric photochemistry and transport) affecting the most commonly-considered species (e.g. O2, O3, N2O, CH4 etc.) in the context of the modern Earth, Early Earth, the Solar System and Earth-like exoplanets. We consider thereby known abiotic sources for these species in the Solar System and beyond. We also discuss detectability issues related to atmospheric biosignature spectra such as band strength and uniqueness. Finally, we summarize current space agency roadmaps related to biosignature science in an exoplanet context.

⬅️ 9. Molecules, Light, and Planets                                                               11. Phosphine on Venus ➡️