Videos for

 Beginners and Children,

 Adolescents and Adults,



Here on the  Beginners and Children, Adolescents And Adults, Advocacy and Employment  Videos  page you will see each section titled for you , and that title is hyperlinked.

When you click on that title it will automatically take you to the following section.

Here you will see videos and playlists For Beginners And Children. Primarily, this section is intended for anyone just starting out on their  Autism journey or the chronological age range from birth to 9 years old but the developmental age may be different so individuals may be older and still benefit from videos from this section based on the developmental age of the individual.

Autism presentations, interviews and Autism Congressional hearings

Autism Every Day

Open discussions on all videos 

This section is primarily for Adolescents And Adults or anybody who is helping them or the chronological age range from 10 to adulthood but the developmental age may be different so individuals may be younger and still benefit from videos and playlists from this section based on the developmental age of the individual, you will see it has a wide variety of videos from books, to websites both by and for Autistic Individuals, to YouTube channels, websites and more. 

This section is intended for everyone, but especially those interested in self-advocacy for themselves, and also on behalf of an Autistic individual using this information. Here you will see advocacy videos and playlists primarily related to but not limited to: Self-advocacy about Autism. This includes books, blogs, legal aid, YouTube channels, and more.

To see Videos For Employment

This is for anyone who is an autistic individual or knows one who is looking for employment. Here you will see videos to help autistic individuals transfer from school life to adult life. These include books, organizations, websites, and jobs that employ autistic people.