Our Mission

Here on the Our Mission page,  you will see the current mission of Unlocking The Key to Autism

Please remember, if you are feeling thoughts of suicide, in the US, call 988, and, if you are outside the US, please don't be ashamed to reach out to search and use your medical professionals

Our mission is: We want you to remember you are never alone so if you are an individual with Autism, a parent, family member, practitioner or any other individual affected by Autism... you should remember, you are never alone! That is why as long as I am alive, I will keep telling you to remember you are never alone! I will hold your hand through the worst of times, and the best of times. If you need just a little encouragement, or some information along the way don't hesitate to reach out to me. Even if I don't know the information that you're looking for I will reach out to my sources to try and get the information that you're looking for. I won't stop until I have exhausted all efforts trying to get the information for you, but if you are feeling thoughts of suicide, in the US, call 988, and, if you are outside the US, please don't be ashamed to reach out to search and use your local version, and remember AGAIN you are never alone!!!!