Under Frozen Skies opens
sometime in March or April.
Under Frozen Skies is looking for High rank Clan staff, and Moderators.
Join Our Discord Below!
Under Frozen Skies
In the far arctic reaches of Northern American land, lies a range of mountains full of life under the snow. Despite the harsh weather, and lack of safety. Three Clans live in relative tandem to each other. Despite their differences, peace is possible. Though in recent times, under a catastrophic famine during the last leafbare, has made tension between the clans clear even under the frozen breaths.
Welcome to Under Frozen Skies. We are a literate 16+ Warrior Cats Discord Roleplay based in the far north of the North American continent. We invite you to do character plotting, events, and concepts with whole new original Clans with their own small differences. This is a continuous roleplay centred around character development, drama, and more. FirClan, PineClan, and YewClan Await.
The Premise
The frozen lands provide little protection. Warmth is found in one another, and prey is hardly plentiful. Surviving here has been long adapted to. Every day is a consideration for the next. Life is unpredictable and so is this land. But, home has always been home.
The Current Groupwide Plotline
A recent famine washed through the clans, and have left cats with losses of family and friends alike. Picking ourselves up again is the only way forward, but perhaps it has made irreversible changes to the outlook on life for some.
The Past Plotlines
None Yet!