R Team

R Team Awards

Coaches - Jess Bird

Players Player

This player has been a super supportive, friendly and caring team member. She is always cheerful, tries her best and has an extremely positive can-do attitude. This player always tries her hardest and can be her own harshest critic, even after giving 110% and literally putting her body on the line. She is so lovely and plays with such humility and grace. She is supportive of not just her teammates, but also the opposition. She is super encouraging both on and off court and is a great asset to the team. Her team has loved seeing her skills and confidence grow over the season and feel that she is an integral part of the team.

Congratulations to Players Player Evelyn Charlesworth

Most Improved Player

This player started out the season a little shaky and unsteady, not saying a lot, and was rather shy, but by asserting herself in training, listening, asking multiple questions and wanting to learn she has grown in confidence, attitude and ability. Each week she has taken the feedback given to her and applies this, along with the skills that we work on in training to her game. This is evident in her footwork, how she set herself up on court, how she is always in the right place when you want her to be and how she has learnt how to balance. This player has come a long way over the season and it has been a delight to see her growth.

Congratulations to the Most Improved Player Kate Ahearn

Player of the Year

This year this award could not be narrowed down to one player, These players have led by example. They have high expectations of themselves and do their best to model this and encourage their team mates to work hard to improve. They both come alongside players to gently encourage, motivate and build them up and are fair and equal to everyone. They are supportive of their team and are very much the definition of team players. Both players have been invested in the team getting better and playing their best and tries their best to lead by this example. They are very vocal and supportive, both on and off court, at games and at training. Both of these girls know when to use humour to get the team energised and when to use a different tactic to get everyone motivated. They both have been an amazing role models for the team and have exceptional leadership and communication skills which are what makes them awesome co-captain.

Congratulations to the Player of the Year Hannah Foster and Laura Stewart