O Team

O Team Awards

Coaches - Melissa Ingram, Nat Miernicki & Hannah Wills

Players Player

She brings her best to every training and game, has a positive attitude and energy, and is supportive on and off the court. She’s also super cool under the pressure.

Congratulations to Players Player Sarah McAnergney

Most Improved Player

This bubbly young lady as gone from strength to strength throughout the season. Her movement throughout the court, availability and her feeding into the shooters has improved immensely since the start of the year.

Congratulations to the Most Improved Player Macy Haselden

Player of the Year

This player has been the stable, quiet force leading the attacking end of the court. She’s always there when the team needs her, has an enviable shooting percentage and has made it to every training session for the year.

Congratulations to the player of the year Meg Duff