G Team

G Team Awards

Coach - Hannah Williams

Players Player

This player has been recognised by her peers as a positive, bubbly and encouraging team player. She knows when it is time for a laugh and when she needs to focus on the game or at training. She is a pleasure to be around and she always has a smile on her face.

Congratulations to Players Player Brooklyn Neame

Most Improved Player

At the beginning of the season, I let her know that she would also be playing GA and she had a look of shock and worry on her face. Over the season she has picked up the GA position with ease and gets around her defenders easily in both shooting positions. She works well with all players around her and isn’t afraid to take to long shot.

Congratulations to the Most Improved Player Brooklyn Neame

Player of the Year

This award is going to shared between 2 players.

Both recipients are players that continually put 110% in at every training and game. One is a player that has great vision into the shooting circle, while the other will get tips, rebounds and intercepts with her long limbs. Both players are strong communicators with the players around them to ensure that the team are working towards the same common goal.

Congratulations to the players of the year Janie Clarkson and Majella Dempsey