Presidents Report

UC Netball

Prize Giving 2021

Welcome to our UC Netball whānau and visiting friends, to the Covid edition of prize giving. Although we can not come together to celebrate what I believe was a successful season, your committee has made this website to ensure your efforts are still celebrated.

Another season has come to its end, not the way we had hoped for it to end. It sure has been an exciting season though, it was so great to get back into the real game this year and see many teams move about the grades. That old friend Covid popped its head back at the very end, finishing up the season early.

The 2021 season has seen our team’s number increase, even more, we went from 20 to 23 teams this year. Making us still the largest senior netball club in the Christchurch competition. We have seen great success and improvements from our teams

Our A team for the first time in our club’s history made it to the semi-finals, and what a game that was. On the eve of level 4 lockdown, they went head to head with Saints A, a game that was so close for the majority, for saints to pull away and take the win. Our girls fought till the end and played some damn good netball. We are all very proud of you and the strides you made this season.

Our C Team were the overall winners of Senior Reserves 1, meaning this takes the C team up into Senior 2 for the 2022 season. What a fantastic effort girls and you have become the first C team in UC history to push us that high, not only did they achieve this they also were CNC’s goal ratio winners for senior reserves.

Our D team did wonderful things this season, the first time we have ever had a UC netball D team enter into Senior reserves. They held on and fought the good fight, unfortunately not coming away with the win needed. We just know that the D team will come back hard and even more determined to do it again next year.

Our M and U teams were successful in winning their divisions of second grade. The U team took out the CNC goal ratio for 2nd grade teams.

Although some of our teams have done fantastically well and others may feel a little disappointed, it’s important to remember the good times, the new friends, and the new skills you made or learnt this year.

This year with our increase in teams means we needed to increase the number of coaches we had. Without coaches, our netball club could not function, you have given up your time and imparted your knowledge to others. We may not always get it right and can find it a challenging task, however, the positives of coaching is watching players develop and discover skills and talents throughout the season. We want to thank the many coaches of UC Netball’s whanau who keep the club moving forward.

A club as big as ours can not run without volunteers, committed members who dedicate their time and efforts. Your committee members are the ones who have put their hands up to be a part of netball all year round. This year your committee was a group of get it done ladies. Without your committee, UC netball would not be a smooth sailing ship. Your committee is made up of 10 busy women, which are players, coaches, umpires, students and full-time workers.

I want to thank the committee with all my heart, you're wonderful women to serve with. Rachel, Abbey, Hannah, Alice, Bridgette, Madi, Holly, Gina and Sam thank you for the hours of service, the passion and love you have given to UC Netball this season, without these strong determined women UC Netball would not be what it is.

As always we important things in life come up, like a new job, for this reason, we are saying our goodbyes to Alice Evans UC Netball’s club captain. Alice has done a wonderful job in her role as many of you would agree, she has been busy every season since arriving at UC Netball and has imparted her wealth of knowledge to many. We are sad and sorry to see her go, but as always wish her well and are excited about her next journey.

A massive thank you to all of our members this season, you have stuck with it, shown up, put your hearts into the game. Thank you for your effort and for representing UC Netball, upholding our name and reputation.

For those of you moving on, whether that be to a new club next season or your university studies have come to an end and you are departing Christchurch. We wish you well towards your future endeavours. To those returning next season, we look forward to seeing you in February to do it all over again, again hoping minus the covid part.

Happy summer break UC Netball whānau, all the best, and stay safe!

Your President

Brodie Ridler