Assessment Tools

Reading Media Assessments

Learning Media Assessment (LMA)

LMA Examples

LMA Exact Forms

National Reading Media Assessment (NRMA)

NRMA Quick Start Guide 

Functional Vision Assessment 


Argument against the use of a single reading media assessment:

Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 

Helpful Assessments for Your Practice

Concepts of print assessment.pdf

Concepts of Print Assessments

This assessment for our low vision readers provides a good assessment on print concepts from covers to left to rights. Procedures are listed directly in the document. 

TVI Self Assessment Tool.pdf

TVI Self-Assessment Tool

TVIs have a unique job and will need to develop skills in areas not typically addressed in standard teacher evaluation tools. This tool can help a TVI reflect on their current skills and determine areas in which they need to develop. 

Quality Assessments: The Key to Literacy

Presentation by Michelle Horseman 

This webinar provides an overview of what Maryland law states regarding the need for a Learning Media Assessment (LMA) and Functional Vision Assessment (FVA) for a student who is blind or visually impaired. Participants will know the basic components of a LMA and FVA, and know how the LMA can influence decisions regarding literacy for students who are blind or visually impaired. The webinar is one hour with 45 minutes of information and 15 minutes for questions.

Michelle Horseman is the Education and Vision Assessor at The Maryland School for the Blind (MSB). Prior to assuming this role in 2013 she worked as a preschool classroom teacher at MSB and spent a year as an itinerant TVI. She is also the current president for the DC/MD AER Chapter. Michelle is passionate about quality assessments for students who are blind or visually impaired as they provide a wealth of information that guides their course instruction and appropriate accommodations.

PowerPoint Presentation here

Transcripts available here 

Steps to Literacy.pdf

Steps to Literacy

What are the steps to literacy? This useful tool with many links helps you figure this out with reading and writing in mind. 

Developmental Assessments

Callier-Azusa Scales, Editions G & H

For children ages 0-10. ​The Callier-Azusa Scale was designed specifically for students with deaf-blindness by an interdisciplinary team who had many years of experience with this population. It is also appropriate for assessing most students with severe handicaps and is especially valuable for students with visual and/or hearing impairments because of sub-scales relating to visual, auditory and tactile development. 


The Developmental Assessment for Individuals with severe Disabilities or DASH-3 is a criterion-referenced measure of specific skill levels in persons of all ages who have severe and/or multiple physical/sensory disabilities, including persons with severe and profound intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders. The scales are also appropriate for individuals with mild to moderate disabilities; those who have single disabling conditions (e.g., individuals with visual impairment or paraplegia), and children who are functioning chronologically from birth to 6 years of age. 

Oregon Project for Visually Impaired and Blind Preschoolers (OR Project)

Available through the Southern Oregon Educational Services District. It is a comprehensive assessment and curriculum designed for use with children birth to six who are blind or visually impaired. In the 6th edition, it was significantly updated with the addition of 200 skill areas. Skill areas include: cognitive, language, compensatory, vision, self-help, social, fine motor, and gross motor. 

The Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills

This is a criterion-referenced inventory that assesses, on an individual basis, a student's strengths or weaknesses in specific skill areas. It is available in large print and braille from APH.

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