Katie Cosmano

Below is a general overview of College Advisor, Hours, and Contact Info:

College Advisor

Hello! Welcome to TRiO! My name is Katie Cosmano, As a college advisor my role is to help you navigate campus policies and procedures, curriculum, and degree requirements. We will work together to explore career and transfer opportunities to help you create personal and academic goals. Based on those goals, we will create an individualized education plan that outlines a clear path towards graduation and transfer. If you are experiencing any obstacles or challenges, I am here to help connect you with campus and community supports and resources. I have been the advisor for the TRiO program since Fall 2018. Before working specifically with TRiO students, I worked in the main advising office. I have been working at Truman for 18 years! I actually completed my graduate school internship at Truman and worked alongside TRiO when they first implemented the program here. I was thankful for the opportunity to move back and work with the TRiO program. Before coming to Truman I worked in Special Education with 5th and 6th graders. I have always enjoyed helping others and working with the education field. Students should become familiar with the student portal (my.ccc.edu and also the Academic Catalog. Don't doubt yourself! There are going to be times where things get challenging or graduation seems so far away that you might even doubt your ability to succeed. But don't give up! Ask for help and put in your best effort!

Services Provided

Office Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00am - 5:00pm (In-person);

Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm ( Remote only);

Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm (In-person);

Contact Info

Call: 773-907-5095

Email: kcosmano@ccc.edu

Katie Cosmano, (she, her)

College Advisor, TRiO Student Support Services

Harry S Truman College | One of the City Colleges of Chicago
1145 West Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL 60640 | Room 1435

P: 773-907-5095 | Email: kcosmano@ccc.edu